christianhaitian / arkos

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EmulationStation "Auto" meaning #1013

Closed lauren7ino closed 2 months ago

lauren7ino commented 2 months ago

Hi Christian,

ES by default sets all emulators to "Auto", which as far as I can tell, means ???

Sometimes "Auto" means a x64 emulator (good), others times means a x32 emulator (not so good?), and even sometimes a standalone emulator.

Aren't x64 emulators equivalent and faster than x32 counterparts? Why is that "Auto" favors x32 emulators for the heavier systems like PlayStation, N64 and Amiga?

95% of users don't tweak these settings, so I believe ES at least should at least favor any installed x64 emulators on "Auto".

My 2 cents. Thanks

christianhaitian commented 2 months ago

Auto means it will just use the first emulator and core defined in the es_systems.cfg file. Default emulators and cores are listed in the ArkOS Emulators and Cores list on the wiki. 64bit is not always the best core for an emulator, for instance, flycast 32bit and pcsx_rearmed 32bit typically have a little bit better performance than the 64 bit version.

lauren7ino commented 2 months ago

I believe ArkOS defaults could be improved.

Testing N64 for ex in Ridge Racer with 640x480 resolution (Core setting), Parallel_N64 is better on RetroArch than RetroArch32. Almost zero audio shuttering on x64 version.

Regarding Amiga, I've been testing tons of games and UAE4ARMx64 is way better than all the others. It runs everything, no glitches, and even savestates work.

As for Playstation I didn't test much yet.

Thanks, keep up the good work.

christianhaitian commented 2 months ago

N64 is very case by case basis. I based the default on Paper Mario and it was best with the Standalone Glidemk emulator.

christianhaitian commented 2 months ago

For Amiga, the recommendation from some else was to use one of the puae cores. Before that, some said UAE4ARM 32bit was the best. Again, pretty case by case. Best for the user to set the best emulator and cores on their own depending on their use case.

lauren7ino commented 2 months ago

I agree that PUAE cores are better and UAE4ARMx32, but now that we have UAE4ARM x64, nothing beats it. I have tested more than 50 Amiga games and even Amiga Workbench.