christianhaitian / arkos

Another rockchip Operating System
MIT License
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Disable arkos and emulation station loading screens #1056

Closed philosen closed 1 month ago

philosen commented 1 month ago

I've successfully changed the boot logo on my RGB30. It would be nice to be able to skip the other two loading screens and just keep the custom boot screen for longer.

Also, thanks for all your work!

christianhaitian commented 1 month ago

The ArkOS version loading screens can be disabled by removing the word splash from the /boot/extlinux/exlinux.conf file. You can do this with the OS sd card inserted in a usb card reader from a Windows and Mac computer since the BOOT partition is of fat32 format.

I think the ES loading screen can be disabled via ssh by modifying /usr/bin/emulationstation/ and replacing the line that reads "$esdir/emulationstation" "$@" with "$esdir/emulationstation" --no-splash "$@"

The custom boot screen time on screen can not be extended though. At least not that I know of. Someone with kernel hacking skills better than me may know how best to achieve this.

Thank you for the kind words. Enjoy!