christianhaitian / arkos

Another rockchip Operating System
MIT License
1.37k stars 81 forks source link

[suggestion] Project organization + help #1075

Closed mdeguzis closed 1 month ago

mdeguzis commented 1 month ago

This is a great OS for my rg353m. The scripts are fairly readable and I an thinking of helping out a bit. However, storing all your archives in the main git repo root make it a bit of a mess. You can avoid this by attaching the release zips to the releases page and just using the Git API path to download said release zip in your updater scripts. It's a bit hard to check around on things given all the folders. makes decent sense enough.

Just a suggestion. Thank you for the great project.!

christianhaitian commented 1 month ago

Hello, yea this has been brought up before but it's not something I'm looking at spending time to do at this time. Most of the scripts are located here: