christianhaitian / arkos

Another rockchip Operating System
MIT License
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With Arkos in 04242024, device R36S, Saturn yabasanshiro : not find and workaround : apt-get install freeglut3 #1079

Closed Martossien closed 1 month ago

Martossien commented 1 month ago

The "standalone-bios' is yabasanshiro emulator Dont launch at the GUI if i try in ssh in root in wifi : /opt/yabasanshiro/yabasanshiro --? result : /opt/yabasanshiro/yabasanshiro: error while loading shared libraries:

I install it : apt-get install freeglut3

Now it s works !

It s work in other last version, i don t know when it don t work .

christianhaitian, thank s a lot for all !!! if you come in the north of France i promise a beer or other drink you like !!!

christianhaitian commented 1 month ago

Hi, I don't directly support that unit so if you're using the AeolusUX version, report the issue here so he can resolve it for a future update.

Thank you for the compliment.

AeolusUX commented 1 month ago

Hi, I don't directly support that unit so if you're using the AeolusUX version, report the issue here so he can resolve it for a future update.

Thank you for the compliment.

Thanks for this I would add this to the new update. Cheers!