christianhaitian / arkos

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[Feature Request] Rumble support for standalone mupen64plus #1090

Closed upwhatever closed 3 weeks ago

upwhatever commented 3 weeks ago

Would it be possible to add rumble support for rk3326 devices to standalone mupen64plus? Looking at the mupen code, I assume one would have to patch the rumble routines and ControllerCommand in mupen64plus-input-sdl file src/plugin.c.

Btw: How is rumble on these devices triggered nowadays? Looking at made me think you are writing directly to /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm0/duty_cycle, but I cannot export pwm0 to sysfs on my R36s (resource busy error) and rumble with the provided retroarch rumble cores is working fine anyway.

christianhaitian commented 3 weeks ago

For R36s, it's a clone of the rg351mp where rumble is natively supported there through the kernel:

Those rumble patches are for other rk3326 devices where rumble is not natively enabled like the rg351v. standalone emulators with rumble should natively work if it's supported. If it doesn't I don't know why.

upwhatever commented 3 weeks ago

My bad, I was on the wrong track. The whole issue ended up being that buttons configured for "Mempack switch" and "Rumblepack switch" did not behave as expected. Thanks to your kernel support, requested feature is already implemented and working fine.

For anyone having the same issue: Set [Input-SDL-Control1]plugin=5 in mupen64plus.cfg and rumble will work.