christianhaitian / arkos

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No response in WiFi manager #1102

Closed Robkees closed 2 weeks ago

Robkees commented 2 weeks ago

My handheld does not respond once I open WiFi through options in ArkOS. WiFi is already enabled in advanced options using wifion. After opening WiFi I cannot exit using select and start nor can I navigate it and select an option.

I have tried and checked a lot of alternative options/workarounds. The backup file option does not make it work afterward once restore settings ArkOS has run. Also using wifikeyfile.txt does not work.

I am using a Powkiddy RGB20SX with built in WiFi adapter. With a previous version of ArkOS it did work but I was required to create a new image and used the newest one. Here it does not work anymore.

christianhaitian commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds like an incompatibility with the RGB20SX. I don't support that unit and my understanding is that the wifi is a little different on that unit so I can't help any further on this.