christianhaitian / arkos

Another rockchip Operating System
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Game selection menu issues #278

Closed vimstar closed 3 years ago

vimstar commented 3 years ago

I just updated and now I can no longer see any selection indicator when browsing games to play. It is impossible to tell which game is selected.

Also, is there any way to revert to the old game menu setup as I liked that layout better than the new RetroPi style system selection screen.

christianhaitian commented 3 years ago

I'm not understanding the issue. Can you post a picture of the issue?

vimstar commented 3 years ago

In the attached picture you will notice the blue game list has no indicator for which game you have selected. There are no indicators for what is selected on any of the screens that have a dark blue list.

By the way, awesome job on ArkOS!


christianhaitian commented 3 years ago

Looks like your missing the theme. Do you have a themes folder in your roms directory? If so, does it have the themes listed here

vimstar commented 3 years ago

Yes, I do have the themes folder in the roms directory and it contains all the files listed.


christianhaitian commented 3 years ago

Try changing themes to see if that fixes the issue.

christianhaitian commented 3 years ago

You can do so from the start menu

vimstar commented 3 years ago

The other themes appear to be working. It seems its only a problem with the es-theme-nes-box theme. When I select that theme I get what you saw in the screen shot. Ill try downloading that theme and replace the pre-installed one to see if that fixes the issue. Thanks!

christianhaitian commented 3 years ago

Make sure to get it from here so it's formatted properly for ArkOS.