christiankaindl / trello-super-powers

Repository of the Firefox add-on. (
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Aadditional due date filters #20

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago


Thank you so much for this add-on and its insanely useful features. I love it!

I have some trouble with Trello and long-term planning because you can't really filter cards with far-off due dates. The calendar power-up doesn't allow for a very macroscopic view either.

It would be awesome to be able to filter cards "Due in the next quarter" and "Due in the next year". Is it something that could be implemented?


christiankaindl commented 5 years ago

Hi there, thanks for opening an issue!

Just to throw this in here: Trello's search can filter due dates.

So, for example, you can write due:90 in Trello's search bar and you would see cards that are due within 90 days (~1 quarter). Or you could write due:365 to get cards within one year. The result is only a list, but maybe that is what you need.

Otherwise, it sounds like a cool idea to have a long-term overview feature. Maybe you could tell me a bit more about what your use case is. What is the useful information you would get out of such a view? Do you just want to know roughly which months are the busiest or is it something else?

ghost commented 5 years ago


Sorry for the late reply.

I use Trello for yearly, quarterly and monthly planning as well as day to day tasks. Projects usually get created in a "Ideas" list and get a due date -- sometimes it's two Weeks later, sometimes in a couple years. When I'm ready to get them started, I move them to a "To do" list and they go through the classic Doing/Waiting/Done lists as needed. This gives me the continuity I need to make sure long-term goals actually get addressed, and do not get sidetracked in favor of busywork.

So when I'm planning for the week ahead, I will display the "Due next month" cards to see what I hoped to get done this particular month. It does give me an idea of how busy is the month to come. I will then select the cards that are still a priority, move them to the "To do" list, sometimes setting a more precise due date. I will reschedule, break down, or delete cards that are not relevant for the coming week.

I would love to be able to do the same thing for quarterly and yearly planning. I need to answer the question: which projects/cards am I going to work on? And which ones will I reschedule/abandon altogether?

I am not sure how specific this is to my workflow, but I do believe quarterly/yearly foresight is useful for anyone working on long-term projects and roadmaps.