christianp / asciimath2tex

JavaScript library to convert AsciiMath to TeX
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Differences in symbols between asciimath2tex and asciimathml #32

Open GiovanniSalmeri opened 6 months ago

GiovanniSalmeri commented 6 months ago

After making a complete PHP port of both asciimathml and asciimath2tex (I have used them in an extension for the CSM Yellow) I did a thorough comparison of the symbols supported by the latest version of each one. Just in case you find it useful, here are the results. I list also some symbols that I plan to add to both ports (they come almost all from the issues of asciimathml).

In AsciiMathML but not in AsciiMath2TeX ("undocumented" means "missing in page", which anyway seems to use an old version of the script):

mlt TeX: ll
mgt TeX: gg
~ TeX: sim (undocumented)
-+ TeX: mp (undocumented)
TeX: left( (undocumented, = ()
TeX: right) (undocumented, = )) TeX: left[ (undocumented, = [) TeX: right] (undocumented, = ]) overarc TeX: overparen

In AsciiMath2TeX but not in AsciiMathML:

boxempty (= square)
lceil (= lceiling)
rceil (= rceiling)
lbrace (= {) rbrace (= }) Sqrt TeX: Sqrt (\Sqrt seems not to exist in TeX...)

Symbols that I plan to add:

!sub TeX: notsubset
!sup TeX: notsupset
!sube TeX: notsubseteq
!supe TeX: notsupseteq
!-= TeX: notequiv
'' TeX: dprime
''' TeX: trprime
hbar TeX: hbar
underarc TeX: underparen
rm TeX: mathrm
h TeX: h (function, like f and g)
P TeX: P (function, like f and g)

christianp commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this. My intention is to stick as close to the documented syntax and commands of asciimathml as possible.

I think Sqrt is a bug.

If asciimathml accept your additions, I'll take them too.