christianparobek / skeleSim

Null models, performance testing, and power estimation with population simulations
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Error: connect reset by peer #41

Closed MichelleDBG closed 8 years ago

MichelleDBG commented 8 years ago

Shiny crashed on me after I tried to reload Sean's connect_or_not example. Either I picked the wrong file to load (I did the R workspace with the title I gave it, not the .script.Rout, .script or .params created from trying runs). Any ideas on what's causing the error?

Listening on [1] "in matrixIn" [1] "in matrixIn" [1] "in matrixIn" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "in mig.mat" [1] "about to return from mig.mat" [1] "numloci 1" [1] "numloci 1" [1] "running anums()" Warning: Error in observeEventHandler: no slot of name "num.sim.reps" for this object of class "skeleSim.params" Stack trace (innermost first): 64: observeEventHandler [make-skelesim-class.R#218] 2: runApp 1: skeleSimGUI Warning: Error in FUN: no slot of name "num.sim.reps" for this object of class "skeleSim.params" Stack trace (innermost first): 81: FUN 80: lapply 79: sapply 78: str.default 77: str 76: eval 75: eval 74: withVisible 73: evalVis 72: capture.output 71: data.frame 70: renderTable [debug.R#6] 69: func 68: output$ssClass 2: runApp 1: skeleSimGUI ERROR: [on_request_read] connection reset by peer

stranda commented 8 years ago

my guess is that sean's object might have been created in a older version. num.sim.reps is a new name for a slot that just was updated last week.