christianrauch / ros-multiwii

ROS Node for MultiWii and Cleanflight flight controllers
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Added StampedTransform to publish multiwii as a valid tf #3

Closed emmhaych closed 6 years ago

emmhaych commented 6 years ago

Currently the PoseStamped message is broadcasted by the node. Whilst this gives the correct pose, it is not possible to visualise it using rviz with copter_visualization (part of mavros_extras). This pull request implements two transforms on a base frame which is inputted as a parameter tf_base_frame. The first transformation, multiwii_cartesian against the tf_base_frame sets the altitude of the drone. A second transformation, multiwii against the multiwii_cartesian sets the attitude of the drone.

This pull request in in response to and resolves #2.

christianrauch commented 6 years ago

I get an error message when compiling on ROS kinetic:

[...]/multiwii_node.cpp: In member function ‘void MultiWiiNode::onAltitude(const msp::msg::Altitude&)’:
[...]/multiwii_node.cpp:316:60: error: no matching function for call to ‘tf::Transform::Transform(double, double, double, double)’
         tf::Transform multiwii_transform(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Some remarks:

emmhaych commented 6 years ago

Looks like I missed out pushing my last commit.

Added fixes based on your feedback to it too now with the exception of the third bullet. child_frame_id tells copter_visualization what frame to use as the base for the 3d model.

christianrauch commented 6 years ago

Cool. Thanks for your contribution!

Regarding the launch file: I just remember, that I create a separate repo for launch files, that connect the multiwii to other ROS nodes: Do you mind to place the copter_visualization launch file there? The idea behind this is, that the launch files in ros-multiwii should only depend on nodes from this package and that launch files from multiwii_launch can depend on any other ROS package.

Apart from this, how does the copter_visualization work? I see poses published on /multiwii/local_position/pose, but no markers published on /vehicle_marker.

Also, I think the transforms are using the wrong frames, i.e. they are mixed up, and some transformation are wrong.

E.g. for the transform with the pure translation part:

      seq: 0
        secs: 1519480798
        nsecs: 253015426
      frame_id: "map"
    child_frame_id: "multiwii_cartesian"
        x: 0.0
        y: 0.0
        z: 1.5
        x: 1.0
        y: 0.0
        z: 0.0
        w: 0.0

I think this should be the transform from frame map to multiwii_cartesian. That is, the child frame is map and the transform is reported in the multiwii_cartesian frame. Additionally, the rotation is wrong. In ROS, the quaternion is initialised with Quaternion(x, y, z, w), i.e. the real/scalar part comes last. In the case without rotation, it must be constructed with Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1).

For the transform with the pure rotation part:

      seq: 0
        secs: 1519480798
        nsecs: 182768613
      frame_id: "multiwii_cartesian"
    child_frame_id: "multiwii"
        x: 6.94476636698e-310
        y: 6.94474846252e-310
        z: 6.94474846257e-310
        x: -0.0057175198367
        y: -0.00262854825204
        z: -0.156449419542
        w: 0.987665925213

the frames are also mixed up, i.e. if the rotation transforms from the multiwii_cartesian to multiwii, the child_frame_id should be multiwii_cartesian. Additionally, the translation is not explicitly initialised to 0. The values are random and we should explicitly set them to 0 to prevent random translations applied by this transform. In this specific case, we are just lucky that the random translation is close to 0.

emmhaych commented 6 years ago
  1. Moved copter_visualization.launch to christianrauch/multiwii_launch (pull request created)
  2. Fixed scaling factor being applied to the correct w axis on multiwii_cartesian tf frame (nice spot!)
  3. Initialized translational values to 0 on multiwii tf frame

Regarding your comment that map should be the child of the multiwii_cartesian frame, have a read through tf's frame conventions. In our scenario, map is the base frame (static). It has a child frame multiwii_cartesian with altitude transforms which has a child frame multiwii with attitude transformation. Here's a pictorial view of the frame hierarchy: image

Pull request is now updated with your review comments

christianrauch commented 6 years ago

Thanks, you are right about the transforms. I now can see the transform and the marker in RViz.

I haven't looked into the copter_visualization source code and I am still confused about if it uses the published StampedTransform or the PoseStamped. When subscribing to /vehicle_marker, I see parts of the marker published with poses. But I am still unsure where it takes the pose from (from from transformations on /tf or PoseStamped on /multiwii/local_position/pose).

E.g. is one of the sources not required for copter_visualization?

emmhaych commented 6 years ago

I had the same confusion and inspected their source code to find out what's going on. Here is a digest:

christianrauch commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the clarification.

There is just one last thing: Can you replace the tabs by 4 spaces, such that the blocks align with the rest of the code? :-)

And can you maybe squash all the commits into a single commit that summarises the changes? There are now several commits that and and remove changes again.

emmhaych commented 6 years ago

Replaced tabs with spaces. You should have the option to squash the commits in the merge options dropdown.

christianrauch commented 6 years ago

I know about that option, it just doesn't allow you to change the commit message. But I can do this manually later.

Thanks for this cool feature.