christianspecht / scm-backup

Makes offline backups of your cloud hosted source code repositories
GNU General Public License v3.0
58 stars 20 forks source link

Can't get it to do anything #70

Closed dragonstar0828 closed 1 year ago

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Trying to back up some repositories from BitBucket.

Set up a minimal .yml file with my user name and tried both my account password and the company app password.

Launch the app and nothing happens - no interface, no error messages, no log file in the back up folder - nothing.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.

drc :)

christianspecht commented 1 year ago
  1. To see if SCM Backup runs on your machine at all, start it with the config file that was included in the download.
    This should backup the public repos of this user

  2. If step 1 didn't work either, tell me more about your machine: operating system? Correct .NET Core version installed? -->

  3. If step 1 did work, can you share the settings file that you created for Bitbucket? You can replace usernames, passwords etc. by xyz..., of course. I just want to see the file structure.

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Nothing happened when I used the original .yml file.

I probably don't have the right .net Core installed but I have no idea which file to dl form the download page - SDK, runtime, .net desktop runtime, .net runtime for version 3.1.28...

... OR down I need to go to the bottom of the page and get original 3.1.0?

drc :)

christianspecht commented 1 year ago

Okay, I see that the download page has changed since I last edited the "system requirements" page in the docs. Last time I checked, I don't remember that there were that many different downloads.

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Good morning.

Should I install the x64 or x86 version?

christianspecht commented 1 year ago

I think Microsoft's general advice is to install x64 when you have a x64 operating system.

By the way, how did you launch the app? Double-click on the .exe in Windows Explorer (I suppose you're on Windows?)

SCM Backup is a command-line app. If you start it by double-clicking it in the Explorer and something goes wrong (e.g. it crashes because .NET is not installed), there's probably some kind of error message shown on the command line, but you don't see it because the window closes immediately. Try opening the command-line of your choice and start SCM Backup there.

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Tried it from the command line and got the error...

A fatal error occurred. The required library hostfxr.dll could not be found.

I'll try and find time today to install the net core stuff and try it again.

drc :)

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Looks like it's working for the provided .yml file.

I'll have to recreate the one I had done for the company repositories and see if I can get that working.

drc :)

christianspecht commented 1 year ago

OK, closing this for now. If you can't get the yml file for the company repos working, feel free to open this again.

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

Well I finally got it configured and running.

However of the 50+ repositories we have it seems to have only processed 9 of them, created a back up folder for the 10th one, and just stopped moving - as in nothing on the screen and the folder for the 10th repository is empty and it's been running almost an hour.


drc :)

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

NEVER MIND - sorted it out and got my first full back up done. Woo hoo!

drc :)

christianspecht commented 1 year ago

Nice ;-)

Why didn’t it work the first time? Was it anything that I could improve in the docs?

dragonstar0828 commented 1 year ago

I noticed the repo it seemed stuck on contained an .exe file about 9mb in size.

While not a big file for today's file transfer speeds in my opinion, after I deleted it from the repo and re-ran it this time it zipped right through that repo and finished all the remaining ones after it.

drc :)