christianvoigt / argdown

a simple syntax for complex argumentation
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Styling Relations #168

Open PatrickRobotham opened 4 years ago

PatrickRobotham commented 4 years ago

Is there any way to style relationships the way we style argument types? I'd like to have thicker line widths than the default.

christianvoigt commented 4 years ago

At the moment you can only customize the edge colors, but I will put this on my todo list.

If you want to have complete control over the look of your map, export it as .graphml and edit it in yEd. The only downside of that is, that it is a one-way-street. But you can even use the Argdown web component, if you copy & paste the svg generated by yEd into it.

christianvoigt commented 4 years ago

With 1.5.0 I added penwidth and arrowsize configuration options for dot (check out the Graphviz docs for further details on these settings):

 edge: {
      penwidth: 1, # thickness of edges, default 1
      arrowsize: 1 # size of arrow, default 1

[some statement]
    <- <some argument>
dleeftink commented 4 years ago

In the online editor, using the edge penwidth/arrowsize function does not seem to update the vis.js output, freezing edits until the edge configuration is removed.

    removeTagsFromText: true
    mode: loose

    colorScheme: iwanthue-ochre-sand
        attack: "#000000"

 edge: {
      penwidth: 1, # thickness of edges, default 1
      arrowsize: 1 # size of arrow, default 1
      minWidth: 92
      margin: "0,0"
        font: arial
        fontSize: 12
        bold: true
        font: argvu
        fontSize: 20
        font: argvu
        fontSize: 20
        bold: true
        font: argvu
        fontSize: 20
      rankdir: TB
      ranksep: 0
      concentrate: true
      outputorder: edgesfirst

    engine: dot


# Group

[1] // this is a root node
 ->[2] // emtpy space and -> indicates a child node
