christianvoigt / argdown

a simple syntax for complex argumentation
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Error: You are trying to export to png but have not installed the Argdown image export plugin #186

Closed slavakurilyak closed 4 years ago

slavakurilyak commented 4 years ago

Running $ argdown map --format png the-debate.argdown output.png gives me the following error:

argdown map [inputGlob] [outputDir]

export Argdown input as DOT files

  --watch, -w                               Watch the input files for changes
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  --config, --cfg                           The path to the config .js file.
  --verbose, -v                             verbose mode               [boolean]
  --silent                                  silent mode                [boolean]
  --stdout                                  Export data to stdout      [boolean]
  --throwExceptions                         Throw errors               [boolean]
  --logParserErrors, -e                     Log parser errors to console
                                                       [boolean] [default: true]
  --help                                    Show help                  [boolean]
  --version                                 Show version number        [boolean]
  --useHtmlLabels, --html-labels            Use HTML node labels       [boolean]
  --argumentLabelMode, --argument-labels    The method by which argument label
                                            content is selected
                 [string] [choices: undefined, "hide-untitled", "title", "text"]
  --statementLabelMode, --statement-labels  The method by which statement label
                                            content is selected
                 [string] [choices: undefined, "hide-untitled", "title", "text"]
  --statementSelectionMode,                 The method that determines which
  --statement-selection                     statements are inserted as nodes
                                            into the map
                 [string] [choices: undefined, "all", "with-title", "top-level",
        "not-used-in-argument", "with-relations", "with-more-than-one-relation"]
  --graphName, --name                       Name of the graph           [string]
  --inclusive                               Include disconnected nodes.[boolean]
  --rankdir                                 Graphviz rankdir setting    [string]
  --ratio                                   Graphviz ratio setting      [string]
  --size                                    Graphviz size setting       [string]
  --format, -f                              the file format (dot, graphml, svg,
                                            pdf, png, jpg, webp). For png, jpg
                                            or webp export you have first to
                                            install the Argdown image export
                                            plugin by running 'npm install -g
                                                       [string] [default: "pdf"]

Error: You are trying to export to png but have not installed the Argdown image export plugin. Please run 'npm install -g @argdown/image-export' first. This will automatically add the plugin to @argdown/cli.
    at Object.exports.handler (/Users/skurilyak/.nvm/versions/node/v12.8.1/lib/node_modules/@argdown/cli/dist/commands/MapCommand.js:95:23)

The error repeats after running $ npm install -g @argdown/image-export

christianvoigt commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report, my own tests apparently were not enough. I will investigate this and get back to you.

christianvoigt commented 4 years ago

Fixed in @argdown/image-export@v1.5.2.