christianwach / bp-groups-civicrm-sync

BP Groups CiviCRM Sync is a port of the Drupal civicrm_og_sync module for WordPress that enables synchronisation between BuddyPress Groups and CiviCRM.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sync is not working anymore from BP 12.4 to CiviCRM #5

Open Guydn opened 1 month ago

Guydn commented 1 month ago

Hello Christian,

A client is reporting an issue on the sync.

Conf is WP 6.5.2. Civi 5.65 bp-groups-civicrm-snc 0.5.1

I do not have the exact time when the sync stopped (the client reported an issue lately) but I suppose it is linked to the migration I performed a few months ago.

Manual sync is working. The batch setting is BP -> Civi once a day.

christianwach commented 1 month ago

@Guydn Can you be a bit more specific about what "does not work" means?

I've just checked my local dev site and can't find a situation where sync doesn't work from BP to CiviCRM. I tried:

Have I missed something?

Guydn commented 1 month ago

Hum... Settings for the "batch" part is BP groups Sync 1


christianwach commented 1 month ago

@Guydn FYI the "Recurring Schedules" setting doesn't have any immediate effect on sync - what it does is to "repair" any statuses that have got out of sync for some reason. This is more useful in a CiviCRM--to-BuddyPress context because there have been reports of edge cases where CiviCRM hooks do not fire.

So are you using BP Nouveau? What I'm seeing in the latest BuddyPress is that when updating Group Memberships on a Group's front-end "Manage Members" screen, BP Nouveau performs the status update via a BuddyPress REST API endpoint - and this does not appear to fire the usual family of BuddyPress actions - groups_promoted_member, groups_demoted_member etc etc. Oh dear.

The question now is whether BuddyPress should fire the usual actions or whether this plugin should try and work without them... Hmm...

Guydn commented 1 month ago

OK with your first point. I was not aware of these edge cases. It is anyhow important to have he possibility to repair "in case". With my setting, i am able to align daily data between Civi and BP. So that it is a good workaround :-).

I have migrated to 12.5.0. I get now strange messages in BP

A user can join a public group (and Civi is OK) As a group admin when I want to promote as "admin", I get a message saying that it is not possible... As a group admin when I want to demote from admin to member, I get the same message. In my test, I am not only a group admin but also a WP admin, so it is not a permission issue.

It seems that the BP Rest API does not work. So I think it is an issue on BP side. I am going to report that on their side. Thanks a lot !

christianwach commented 1 month ago

As a group admin when I want to promote as "admin", I get a message saying that it is not possible... As a group admin when I want to demote from admin to member, I get the same message. In my test, I am not only a group admin but also a WP admin, so it is not a permission issue.

Hmm, I get the opposite - BuddyPress Nouveau allows me to demote all group admins so that there are none left. BP Classic does not allow this. Well, either way there's something messed up.

Have you considered using BP Classic instead? AFAICT it works as it should.

christianwach commented 1 month ago

I have opened

Guydn commented 1 month ago

Thanks a lot ! I saw your ticket was acknowledged !

I hope they will be able to fix the stability as well. When I promote from member to admin, I see the change. If I refresh the browser tab, the change does not seem to be taken in account. When I change again (member to admin), then I have a message saying it is not possible. When I open a new browser window, the change is actually OK. When users reported this issue, I was puzzled because I told them the change was recorded.

christianwach commented 1 month ago

Urgh, doesn't sound good at all. Like I said, perhaps try BP Classic in the meantime?

Guydn commented 1 month ago

Actually, I changed the template pack BuddyPress from "Nouveau" to "Héritage" which I assume is "classic". I had 404 errors so i rolled back to Nouveau.

I see that BP has a fix. I will wait then until the version is available on the platform. I am on the last available one 12.5.0

Thanks again for your support :-).