christianwach / civicrm-wp-member-sync

CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync plugin keeps a WordPress user in sync with a CiviCRM membership by granting either a role or capabilities to a WordPress user who has that membership.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sync capabilities : only of "active member statut" not of "past member statut" #49

Open jbonlinea opened 1 year ago

jbonlinea commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I'm updating the implementation I had done of this plug-in and realized something very surprising to me.

Let's say we have a civi membership type that use civi built in membership statut.

In civi-wp-membersync, I can set the syncing setting for this membership type. More specifically, I can use capabilities rather than roles, and I can specify which statut are considered as "current member" and which are considered as "past member". That's great.

However it appears that the capabilities are only synced when the statut is considered as "curent member". If I set that "curent member" include "new, curent, and grace" and change a civi-contact member statut to one of this three statut, the user capabilities are updated.

But If I change a civi-contact member statut to expired or canceled, then the wp-user do not have any civi-capabilities anymore !

That's super weird, no ?As I understand it, one of the main reason to use capabilities rather than roles, is to tune wp behaviour according to a given membership statut (new, current, grace, expire, etc..) and not only give an On/Off approach of member/not-member like with roles. The fact that the capabilities are deleted and not syced for "past members" prevent us to tune wp-behaviour accounding to statut, or force us to set that all statut are understood as "curent members" in wordpress.

Have I missed something or could the desing of civi-wp-member sync be changed so it sync the capabilities or any members of any statute ?

Thank's in advanced for your attention, and for the great work behinf this super usefull plug-in
