christina-norton / intelligent-earth

A Jupyter Book on using computers, physics, and data to amplify human values, scientific knowledge of our collective futures
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Day000_Human Experiment Notes #1

Open christina-norton opened 3 years ago

christina-norton commented 3 years ago

Project: CyberTraining waterhackweek

Collaborators: Canary Opera, CUAHSI

From Me to Everyone: 09:10 AM Can you call me? See qiqochat live chat Good morning! From Tony Castronova (he/him) - Boston, MA to Everyone: 09:12 AM you didn’t answer, lol From Me to Everyone: 09:23 AM Action of Day 1: Make your bed this morning. Military discipline matters. Do it in a way that makes you happy and proud. attribution: Jaqueline Castronova Hey Tony - I would like disclose that I am conducting a human experiment on myself. Do you consent to experimenting on me as part of your work obligations interacting with me online? From Tony Castronova (he/him) - Boston, MA to Everyone: 09:23 AM yes. i consent From Me to Everyone: 09:24 AM What do you need to know to be comfortable working with me? To I have consent to archive this chat? From Tony Castronova (he/him) - Boston, MA to Everyone: 09:24 AM sure From Me to Everyone: 09:28 AM That does not sound like an enthusiastic yes. What questions can I answer about the experiment? before I accept your consent I am developing a numerical computational model using systems theory.
working name "The GeoHealth Model" my research aim is to test the hypothesis that nested sub-systems impact complex systems.
As a living breathing human, on planet earth, 10/19/2020, 9:27 am Pacific, I am subjecting myself to an observation driven set of methodologies using cyberinfrastructure. As such, I am following ethical standards to disclose that by working with me, you have the choice to interact with this experiment in any way that you choose (with some caveats). From Me to Everyone: 09:37 AM For example: Waterhackweek 2019 - I had the burden of managing bias impacts for POC women who were negatively impacted by high level insulting behavior by white junior participants. For example: Waterhackweek 2020 - I had the burden of managing bias impacts for pronouns and neurodiverse learners who could not participate in presenting their work, connecting with team work, suffered from imposter syndrome that was exacerbated through the week. I would like to operationalize and track invisible costs and benefits of how I work in our community. From Tony Castronova (he/him) - Boston, MA to Everyone: 09:38 AM I’m in. From Me to Everyone: 09:43 AM I like your idea of a panel on imposter syndrome that includes both people who self identify as privileged and do not identify with this concern, have not heard this term, or do strongly identify with this challenge in our community. For example: how do we make space for ourselves and how much crap do we have to put up with ? I want to consent to my own shit and consent to work with people who agree to control their work behavior with a feedback relationship in place. Do you consent to giving me feedback when I increase or decrease your workplace challenges? From Me to Everyone: 09:55 AM My current challenge is that if I don't get this report done, I can't get my $1M next cybertraining grant done, or email the program officer to repair and explain workplace challenges. It's not just filling blanks in Fastlane, it's the total weight of all the issues of harm that happens while we work on the project as part of the existing academic culture. After Nirni died, I realized that the burden can not be all on one person, I have two choices. Every moment on this report moves me closer towards career suicide or actual suicide. I cause more harm to myself and others when I continue to work in the way we were working. I can work on this report today if we agree to engineer the relationship between our NSF project and all stakeholders with improved infrastructure. I want to track the parameters, processes and state variables of our collective success. This is the third option for how I choose to spend my time at work. Metric 0: On a scale of -10 to 10, has this past hour been Draining (-10 to 0) or a balanced mix (0) energizing (0 -10) ?
From Me to Everyone: 09:59 AM It's just a @&#$^@&^@#$ report. Question 1: Why did the NSF report timing get shifted by 3 months? Question 2: What are the NSF documentation and processes for report submission when the PI is victim to a crime scene the day before the event, the event is delayed by a global pandemic, and the PI is out of the office on sick leave for one month after the event. Question 3: Can we create a process to build a report writing infrastructure to be more inclusive and functional and fun? Question 4: How do other teams write reports? Weekly report writing meetings. From Me to Everyone: 10:05 AM 30 min: -5 + 15: -8 +15: Hopeful 2 my weird coding Action: see you back in The Big Lake in 25 min

christina-norton commented 3 years ago

6 sided Round 1: We learned we need more structure, and balance unstructured by structuring unstructured time.


Operationalizing time in four dimensions for inclusive cooperation

C1. Flowing Rainbow River that fills a 2 hour Container = [Volume of Total Work Session] (

Relative Productivity (RP (DOI impact/time) = C2[human (h) minutes]*AOKh + n*C3[risk (p) minutes]* AOKp + n*C4[capacity building (c) time]*AOKc

C2. Fuel gauge for neurobiophysiological optimization (session count =h). Length of Focus Time to Whole Human Toxic Stagnation

C3. Sensory map for efficient sub-tasking (probability of success [0 - 1] risk level = p). = Volume of Targeted Work on a Task

C4. Rest, break, exchange ideas, fusion of knowledge. CALM Alchemy = AOK GeoHealth Parameter [- inf, 10] = Parameterized self-assessment of Efficiency = AOK

Infrastructure Relationships:

outputs = links to specific DOIs (Nested Time Tracked), inputs=f(Team, Project, Resources, Nested Relationships Tracked) CanaryOpera-CALMNest = swisscow search, firefox browser, zotero group, waterhack.qiqochat,

Disclosures and Consenus:

Outcomes: What do you weight? What is productive? What feels good?

Total success: one break happened Focus: I was able to do what I chose to do in the allotted time. I did what I planned to do. Bonus: I accomplished what I hoped I could accomplish. "It's amazing what happens when I put my mind, to doing what I intended to do".

christina-norton commented 3 years ago

From Me to Everyone: 10:22 AM Disclosure location for upcoming consent to experiment request from me to you: See conversation with Tony earlier at From Me to Everyone: 10:53 AM Hey Amanda - I would like disclose that I am conducting a human experiment on myself. Do you consent to experimenting on me as part of your work obligations interacting with me online? Do you consent to observing me experimenting on myself as part of your work obligations interacting with me online?

From Amanda Manaster to Everyone: 10:53 AM Yes, I consent! From Me to Everyone: 10:57 AM the second question is more exact. Thank you! I'm so grateful for the C4 explosions going off in my mind right now. See you at 11:15 am Pacific when the orange dots have disappeared. Resetting the fuel gauge to 25 minutes. Nope- 20 minutes. - 5 min consequence of working too long the first session. Do you agree that this is a useful disciplinary approach? I am observing that both of us are not very disciplined about reducing our unhealthy neurobiosphysiological practices.

christina-norton commented 3 years ago

ChordoLinearCode: 202010190800_Hour0001 OperaCode: Professional Development ChordoCircle: UW CEE ChordoRate: [RP] RamblersIN: Justin Bieber- Lonely (Spotify and SNL video YouTube) CyborgList: LinkedIn, iOS, personal iphone CanaryList: Scott Shute, RamblersOUT: CALM

Holiday_000: October 19 On this day in 2003, Mother Teresa beatified by Pope John Paul Oct 19, 2003 Catholic Church Land Acknowledegment Insight Timer

Terms: “Operationalize compassion” “Normalize Mindfulness” “Horse breathe” - being here in the present moment is the only time we can tap into our true self, not the present or future. Greeting old friends, lovers, and hugging ourselves now is a hilariously fun party.”

Connect your Mind “I am strong. May I be the strength that I need. I am patient. May I be patient with myself. I am creative. May I find creative solutions for all my challenges. I am compassionate. May I have compassion for myself. I am love. May I give myself love unconditionally. May I love others I conditionally. “ I am joy. May I continuously enjoy that I am here, now. May I continuously enjoy everything, and every living creature, and gratefully enjoy every human that is giving me the gift, of choosing to be here with me, now.

Connect your Heart X, I love you. (To self, feel that you are here, so the party is started! The person you treasure most in the world has arrived. You!) Repeat, feel stronger. Repeat, feel deeper.

Connect to another Human Empathy and Compassion mindfulness by Scott thinking about another person.

“Shape Consciousness“ companies don’t this, just like religions have been doing for thousands of years. You have to fit the culture, or you self-select out.
The most important job we have is to develop our own consciousness. Systems theory- you can’t change the system without changing the subsystem.

Change the world, by starting within.

30 day mindful work month.

christina-norton commented 3 years ago

Highlights (lowlights):

pumpkin bread for breakfast (baking at 2 am Sunday night); food delivery and a job to pay for it (grocery delivered at 6 am got rediscovered at 2 pm); not commuting to work (while actively working with colleagues online; I can hear that my middle schooler is watching minecraft commentary videos and not doing school). I have the capacity and resources to find, research, explore, fund, and populate the paperwork to submit the documentation needed to education children with diagnosed disabilities (10 years of two kids college savings will be used for one year of schooling, there is nothing I can (I believe/perceive/am ignorant of) anything I can do to to address the parenting regret, probably certifiable self and family neglect, and lack of intervention of digital overwhelmhappening today).

OperaCode: ChordoCircleCodes: RAPID, HydroShare
ChordoRate: [RP] RamblersIN: CyborgList: HydroShare CyborgSubList: HydroShare Communities CanaryList: Tony, HydroShare Communities RamblersOUT: