Closed milon27 closed 12 months ago
Hi @milon27 ooh that's weird, what version are you running? was this happening before or just start to happen? I think I have an idea why this is happening now, but want to make sure
Hi @christo-pr version: "dangerously-set-html-content": "^1.0.13",
i found your library yesterday.
this is the content i was trying to load after changing route
export const innerHtml = `
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Nia Ramadhani</a> melakukan sesi pemotretan dengan gaya busana gaun cantik membentuk tubuh. Hasilnya berhasil menarik perhatian publik.</p>
<p>Artis cantik, Nia Ramadhani tampil sangat anggun dalam balutan<a href="" target="_blank"> outfit</a> gaun hitam. Dengan detail payet di bagian atas dan tali pundak.</p>
<p><strong>Baca Juga: </strong><a href="">Potret Ayu Dewi, Nagita, Luna Maya, Nia Ramadhani Main Tenis Bareng, Netizen: ATM Berjejer</a></p>
<p>Ditambah juga aksen belahan di area dada yang menambah keseksiannya. Lekuk tubuhnya bikin salfok mata netizen.</p>
<p>Tak lupa, Nia Ramadhani terlihat glamor dengan riasan <a href="" target="_blank">makeup</a> bold nih.</p>
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<p>Potret ini menuai banyak pujian karena penampilan Nia yang memukau!</p>
<p>"kaya model international" @s_u_c_i_e_</p>
<p>"Cantik banget ibu" @nuraeniumi1801</p>
<p>"Cantiqqq bangettttt" @niaisyani</p>
<p>"Mirip Kendal Jenner," kata sherly***</p>
<h3><strong>Penulis: Mita Suciana Romi</strong></h3>
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<li><a href="">Viral Gaya Asik Nia Ramadhani Joget Bareng Mikhayla, Netizen: Makin Tua Makin Muda</a></li>
<li><a href="">Gaya Nia Ramadhani Pakai Crop Top saat Lari di GBK, Netizen Bilang Mirip Najwa Shihab!</a></li>
@milon27 I don't think is an issue with the content, we just release this change a day before you install this lib, so I think that may have cause this issue, for testing, you can try with version v1.0.12
and see if that works? if that does the trick, can you please mark this issue as resolved, so that I can rollback that change
ok i will check and let you know here @christo-pr
I have checked, it's still not working with react-router-dom. when I go to some other route and come back the script doesn't execute. i think its still do the network request or loads the script but it doesn't execute[not really sure about it].
@milon27 it's really weird, the lib doesn't do anything fancy regarding the token, if the it is making the network request it should execute the JS too. I'll try to replicate and come with a solution, but feel free to open a PR if you find a solution
@christo-pr thank you I will also try to find some solution. and update here if i found any.
@christo-pr did not found the solution , let me know if you found any thanks
We just added this package and are having the same problem. Version is ^1.0.13
Hi @abosio I'll need more explanation of your issue, as for the problem for this issue, I think, based on the screenshot, the script is beign executed (otherwise he wont get the loading screen from instagram) so I think is very likely a render issue and how that affects the JS that you inject, I would suggest to render the content after this first render of the component, maybe that could work (you could use useRef
for that), but please share more info
@christo-pr Sorry. The content I'm using in the html prop of InnerHTML does not update when I switch routes. I can see with console logging that the value of the content variable is changing. This is just test pages with no script
tag within the content yet. No memoization happening. The content variable is from useState
and setVariable
is called to update it when new content is fetched after the route change. If I click to a route not using this at all, then I can click to a different page its content renders. But if I click only between pages (same component), then the content does not change.
Here I've added reduced the problem to just a button which sets new html in the content variable and clicking it still does not update what is rendered by InnerHTML. Shows "foo" initially, won't change when button is clicked.
const [content, setContent] = useState("foo");
<Button onClick={()=>setContent('<strong>hello world</strong>')}>Hello World</Button>
<div><InnerHTML html={content} />}</div>
Yeah like I've mention, a render issue, we don't do any fancy cleanup or anything like that, I would suggest to unmount and mount the component instead of trying to make it work in a reactive way, once you render something with this component all the content/js inside of this, lose all the "react" stuff, so this could lead to unexpected issues.
Also the code you shared look pretty much like the example, and it does work:
Latest version (1.1.0) should allow rerender the component if a prop is passed in. I'm hoping this will fix any issue related to this ^^
so in home page in load the instagram embed js
but when i go to about page and come back its not loading, only load when i reload the page.