christofmuc / KnobKraft-orm

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[adaptations\]: dataBlockFromMessage not quite to spec? #324

Open milnak opened 2 months ago

milnak commented 2 months ago

Reface MIDI data spec says: The Check-sum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the lower 7 bits when the Model ID, Start Address, Data and Check sum itself are added.

Current implementation is (which does work, so consider this a nit):

def dataBlockFromMessage(message):
    if isOwnSysex(message):
        data_len = message[5] << 7 | message[6]
        if len(message) == data_len + 9:
            data_block = message[8:-2]
            check_sum = -0x05
            for d in data_block:
                check_sum -= d
            if (check_sum & 0x7f) == message[-2]:
                # Check sum passed
                return data_block
                raise Exception("Checksum error in reface DX data")
    raise Exception("Got corrupt data block in refaceDX data")

but it seems more correct to do something like:

def dataBlockFromMessage(message):
    # Byte Count shows the size of data in blocks from Model ID onward
    # (up to but not including the checksum).
    byte_count = message[5] << 7 | message[6]
    if len(message) == byte_count + 9:
        # The Check-sum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the
        # lower 7 bits when the Model ID, Start Address, Data and Check sum itself are added.
        checksum_block = message[0x07:-1]
        if ((sum(checksum_block) & 0x7f) == 0):
            # return "Data" block
            return message[0x0B:-2]
    raise Exception("Checksum error")