christoomey / dotfiles

My vim, zsh, git, tmux, and other config files and utility scripts.
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Add diff-so-fancy #114

Closed christoomey closed 7 years ago

christoomey commented 8 years ago

gabebw commented 8 years ago

I'll jump on with you and @adarsh: I personally use diff-highlight instead of the full diff-so-fancy:

diff-so-fancy does a lot, but diff-highlight just makes diffs look like they do on github (word-based, green/red background). I'm a big fan.

Since diff-highlight isn't in diff-so-fancy's bin directory, it does require a little bit of messing about...or you can just copy these three lines:

christoomey commented 7 years ago

I've been using diff-so-fancy for a bit, and very much enjoying it. Do recommend!