christoomey / vim-tmux-navigator

Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
MIT License
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Cannot navigate between vim windows on OSX #127

Open tieubao opened 8 years ago

tieubao commented 8 years ago
screen shot 2016-05-21 at 3 51 40 pm

I already install vim-tmux-navigator plugin, but I can't use the hotkey to navigate around. Using :TmuxNavigateLeft ... is good.

Everything is ok outside of tmux.

My env:

blueyed commented 8 years ago

Does it affect all mapping, or only some of them?

tieubao commented 8 years ago

@blueyed right now, only for navigation mappings

blueyed commented 8 years ago

@tieubao So for all mappings from tmux-navigator? (I was referring to if e.g. only C-h would not work)

tieubao commented 8 years ago

@blueyed all C-l, C-h, C-j, C-k

blueyed commented 8 years ago

Please try if helps. Also check that you've setup tmux correctly (which is different in #117): tmux list-keys | grep -i vim.

tieubao commented 8 years ago

@blueyed I added those lines in .tmux.conf

bind -n C-h run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_title}' | grep -iq vim && tmux send-keys C-h) || tmux select-pane -L"
bind -n C-j run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_title}' | grep -iq vim && tmux send-keys C-j) || tmux select-pane -D"
bind -n C-k run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_title}' | grep -iq vim && tmux send-keys C-k) || tmux select-pane -U"
bind -n C-l run "(tmux display-message -p '#{pane_title}' | grep -iq vim && tmux send-keys C-l) || tmux select-pane -R"
blueyed commented 8 years ago

Yeah, you would need to debug it from there, e.g. by adding some display-message there etc. But I suggest trying this based on #117.

fuadsaud commented 8 years ago

been experiencing the same recently

oblitum commented 7 years ago

I'm running Vim on Bash On Windows (WSL) and I'm having the same issue there too.

lucasprag commented 7 years ago

I got the exact same problem as @tieubao oO

thomascarreau commented 7 years ago

Same issue over here (Debian Stretch).

oblitum commented 7 years ago

I'm running Vim on Bash On Windows (WSL) and I'm having the same issue there too.

I'm now running wsl-terminal (based on mintty) and have no issues anymore :-)

mschwartz commented 4 years ago

I am experiencing this now.

latest iterm2, neovim installed from homebrew.


 ~  cat ~/.tmux.conf
set-environment -g PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin"
# bind leader/prefix to C-a instead of C-b
unbind C-b
set -g prefix C-a
bind C-a send-prefix

^A r shows

~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm returned 127