christoomey / vim-tmux-navigator

Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
MIT License
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Does not work anymore with tmux 3.2 #294

Open tklepzig opened 3 years ago

tklepzig commented 3 years ago

It seems with tmux 3.2 jumping out of vim to another tmux pane does not work anymore. Navigating from tmux to vim still works, but not the other way around, simply nothing happens.

tmux: 3.2 vim: 8.2

rollue commented 3 years ago

Same here.

tmux: 3.2 neovim: v0.4.4

christoomey commented 3 years ago

Any errors, or does it just fail to navigate? Also, can you check on the questions in

rollue commented 3 years ago

The :TmuxNavigatorProcessList gives me

Ss   -zsh
S+   vim

Luckily, I ran Mislav's original external script as described here at, it started working again. Thanks for the advice @christoomey

@tklepzig You should try this too.

tklepzig commented 3 years ago

The :TmuxNavigatorProcessList gives me

Ss   -zsh
S+   vim
S+   /Users/me/.asdf/installs/tmux/3.2/bin/tmux

I already hacked a bit with the tmux bindings and when the $is_vim check is called via an external script, everything works, maybe that's also the reason why Mislav's original external script works. I'm using another tmux related plugin, vimux, which also does not work anymore. It seems there are some breaking changes in version 3.2 of tmux, but I can't find a good candidate in their changelog.

christoomey commented 3 years ago

Interesting that Mislav's script works, but the plugin doesn't. That original script used tmux's pane_current_command, but this plugin moved off that a few years back to attempt to handle a few edge cases. I'll try to do some more research into this soon, but just wanted to note that distinction in case it points anyone reading this in the right direction.

ds82 commented 3 years ago

Does not work with nvim (0.5.0), but with vim (8.2) on the same machine.

jvanbaarsen commented 2 years ago

Same problem for me:

Tmux: 3.2a nvim: 0.6.1

Output of TmuxNavigatorProcessList:

Ss+  /bin/zsh (figterm)


The (figterm) kinda raised a flag with me, as it turns out, I have Fig installed and it was messing up the vim detection. Removed that app and everything is back in working order.

ZachAttackMLR commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. Using:

Output of TmuxNavigatorProcessList:

Ss   -zsh
S+   nvim

Two things potentially worth noting:

  1. Mislav's original script did not work for me
  2. I have another machine running Arch (btw), and this plugin works flawlessly

More than willing to start debugging further, just not sure where to start.

johnnynia commented 2 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue, too. And :TmuxNavigatorProcessList doesn't output anything.

johnnynia commented 2 years ago

I'm experiencing the same issue, too. And :TmuxNavigatorProcessList doesn't output anything.

Just realized that (using homebrew) after migrating to Apple silicon I've had to change

set shell=/opt/local/bin/zsh


set shell=/opt/homebrew/bin/zsh

So my problem was not related to any tmux versions. Just wanted to provide an update in case of someone struggling with the same issue. :)

ZachAttackMLR commented 2 years ago

@johnnynia just to clarify, you changed that in your tmux configuration file, correct?

johnnynia commented 2 years ago

@ZachAttackMLR no, but in my ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (aka .vimrc)

giviz commented 1 year ago

Wasn't working for me either, no output of : TmuxNavigatorProcessList Response from @johnnynia gave me the tell to fix it, my lua config I was working on for neovim wasn't referencing a working shell for my setup, I had to fix it here: = 'zsh'

Now it's working fine :)