christoomey / vim-tmux-navigator

Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits
MIT License
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install plugins but not loaded #351

Closed JiuRanYa closed 1 year ago

JiuRanYa commented 1 year ago

I install vim-tmux-navigator by tpm


But it doesn't work for me,:TmuxNavigatorProcessList

I guess it not loaded,can you give me some help?

I use neovim, all version ok

christoomey commented 1 year ago

You only mention the TPM install -- this will only install the tmux side of things. You also need to install the vim plugin. See for notes.

Going to close this now as I believe that's the issue here, but feel free to comment if that doesn't resolve things.

JiuRanYa commented 1 year ago

You only mention the TPM install -- this will only install the tmux side of things. You also need to install the vim plugin. See for notes. Is Going to close this now as I believe that's the issue here, but feel free to comment if that doesn't resolve things.

Thanks a lot for your replay. I thought only need to install tmux side of things. Problem have been solved.