christoomey / vim-tmux-runner

Vim and tmux, sittin' in a tree...
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Tmux crashes when VtrSendSelectedToRunner is used to send >~45 lines #22

Closed raine closed 9 years ago

raine commented 10 years ago

Basically I noticed that the whole tmux server crashes if I sent the whole buffer I had open (which was around 50 lines). I tried sending different parts around the file so it's not the content that makes it crash but the length.

Any idea why this might be happening?


christoomey commented 10 years ago

Hey @raine, just tested locally with ~100 lines and no issue. Any chance there is some issue with the content you are sending? Any other detail you can provide?

raine commented 10 years ago

Initially I was able to reproduce it consistently but now I only get it sporadically.

I'll get back to you if I can figure out some pattern here.

christoomey commented 9 years ago

Closing this now as we do not seem to be able to reproduce. @raine please comment and or reopen if you encounter this again. Thanks!