christoomey / vim-tmux-runner

Vim and tmux, sittin' in a tree...
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Command is not send when scrolled in RunnerPane #47

Closed jvanbaarsen closed 9 years ago

jvanbaarsen commented 9 years ago

When i've scrolled in my runner pane (for example to see a stacktrace in a test) and rerun VtrSendCommand the command is not executed on the runner pane. Instead I have to manually scroll all the way down (somehow the cursor went all the way to line 1 in the runner pane).

Is this expected behaviour? Or am I maybe doing something wrong?

christoomey commented 9 years ago

Hello @jvanbaarsen. This is expected behavior. Tmux has different key mappings in "copy mode" when you are scrolling back and you can't send commands over.

That said, you can use q to exit copy mode (run tmux list-keys -t vi-copy to see all the key bindings in that mode).

I also have the following mapping set up to easily send q from Vim:

nnoremap <leader>q :VtrSendCommandToRunner q<cr>

Hope that helps. I'm going to close this issue now as I don't think there is anything to be done in the plugin, but please reopen or comment if you have additional questions.

jvanbaarsen commented 9 years ago

Thanks for explaining! Will try this in the morning