christoomey / vim-tmux-runner

Vim and tmux, sittin' in a tree...
MIT License
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Cant repoen runner. #62

Open ChrisCPO opened 7 years ago

ChrisCPO commented 7 years ago

Hey there have been times that I accidently closed the runner window, and I can't reopen the runner or attach to it, when I try to attach a runner again it outputs the command in the vim command line and does nothing. Reopening vim allows me to create a new session.

christoomey commented 7 years ago

Hey @ChrisCPO, sorry to hear about the trouble. Not sure what specifically is causing it, but here are some initial thoughts that might help you clarify:

  1. The plugin only references the "runner pane" by its index. You can actually close and reopen as much as you want, and the plugin should be largely unaware, as long as there is a pane at that index when you try to use.
  2. If the plugin thinks you have a runner attached and you try to open another, it will error out. You should be able to resolve this by manually opening a pane, and then attaching to it with :VtrAttachToPane

You certainly should not have to reopen Vim in order to sort things out. Personally I've taken to using :VtrAttachToPane as my main way to keep things in order.

Based on the above, is there a specific workflow that is failing you? I'm certainly open to code and or doc fixes to clarify, but want to better understand the issue first.

ChrisCPO commented 7 years ago

@christoomey Hey thanks for the response.

So my current workflow is to have 2 tmux panes split vertically, with the bottom split being the runner. I usually open the runner with Leader + osrs or Leader + osrv. So sometimes I accidently close the runner, which I then try to reopen the runner using an above command. But I guess this is actually wrong as all I need to do is resplit tmux so that index is actually available.

thanks for the help I think I just needed to understand how it was working.

christoomey commented 7 years ago

Glad this covers things. I'm going to keep this open with a note to myself re: better documenting this, but sounds like you should be all set now. Let me know if you have any other questions.

felix-d commented 7 years ago

Hey @christoomey thanks for this plugin, I'm using it with vim-test and having a blast.

Following on the discussion here, would it be straightforward to clear the index when closing the test runner? I think it would make sense to be able to kill the runner pane and use :VtrOpenRunner to reopen one at the bottom if the index is cleared.

For example, I use vim-test and I can call :TestFile in a buffer opened on a test file. The first time, this opens a new tmux pane at the bottom using VTR and run the tests. But if I close the pane and call :TestFile again, nothing happens, it would be awesome if it reopened a new pane at the same position.

What do you think?

christoomey commented 7 years ago

Hi @felix-d, currently the only way to clear the index is to run :VtrKillRunner which will also kill the pane at that index. Does that work for your use case?

felix-d commented 7 years ago

If I kill the tmux pane manually (not using :VtrKillRunner), the index is not cleared and if I run :VtrKillRunner to clear the index, it kills the other pane I have open, since tmux automatically shifts the index.

I guess that will be easy to fix when is fixed because vim will be able to know that the pane specified by the pane_id does not exist, clear the pane_id and reopen a test runner pane in the initial position.

christoomey commented 7 years ago

That makes sense. Hopefully I can get to #66 soon as I think it will end up being a much better foundation. Unfortunately my initial attempt proved more difficult than expected due to how I built things originally, but I still plan to pursue that as the path moving forward.

felix-d commented 7 years ago

@christoomey thanks you rock! I'd like to help but vimscript hates me.

chaadow commented 5 years ago

@christoomey Hi, I found a "workaround" after investigating the plugin script.

If i call <leader> kr to kill the runner pane, it will properly clean the s:runner_pane variable by calling unlet s:runner_pane ==> This way i can call <leader> osr to reopen a new runner pane.

However if I call OpenVtrRunner after manually closing the tmux runner pane. The s:runner_pane still exists, hence in EnsureRunnerPane, at these lines, it will early return, and stop the creation of the runner pane, even though that tmux pane does not exist.

I can't think of a way to "fix" this (if it's not the expected behaviour of course) but maybe with my explanation you can think of something. I've never written any vimscript 😅 (beside your "write your first vim plugin" talk years ago)

chaadow commented 5 years ago

(if anyone is wondering, i just make sure to kill the runner with <leader> kr, or if I open a tmux pane manually, i run <leader> va to attach to it)