christoph-fricke /

Website done together with @bendixsonnenberg
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Added animation for status bar #57

Closed christoph-fricke closed 7 years ago

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

Status bar will appear in style.

bendixsonnenberg commented 7 years ago

i just found out that i just had to scroll past the bars for them to change bad placement of triggers

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

@quannten24 The trigger is working just fine for me... It is getting triggered as soon as the container is reaching half of the height of the window... What is not working for you?

bendixsonnenberg commented 7 years ago

after you switched to less processor intensiv calculations it worked

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

Your computer is just to bad to handle the power of this amazing website... xD