christoph-fricke /

Website done together with @bendixsonnenberg
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New credits design #82

Closed christoph-fricke closed 7 years ago

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

I think that the current credits are looking a little bit boring so I tried to come up with something a little bit more interesting... I added a coffee mug to the credits since the heart was not the way to go... Take a look here:

Would be nice to have your feedback

bendixsonnenberg commented 7 years ago

Itwould be nice if the "gimmick", i.e. coffee mug, was in some context to the content of the web page

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

I can only think about a speedometer for a think that would fit. Found this:

I am not sure how well it would fit. Do you maybe have some other ideas?

bendixsonnenberg commented 7 years ago

i thought about this but i was not able to find a solution

christoph-fricke commented 7 years ago

So you would suggest the speedometer?

bendixsonnenberg commented 7 years ago
