christoph2 / pyxcp

ASAM XCP in Python
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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python can filter is not correct #136

Open SaxElectronics opened 1 year ago

SaxElectronics commented 1 year ago

the read methodin python_can should be adapted:

first it should listen for the slave ID and second it should listen also for DAQ IDs.

def read(self): if not self.connected:

self.parent.logger.debug("Not connected. Returning None.")

        return None
        #self.parent.logger.debug("Waiting to receive frame...")
        frame = self.bus.recv(5)
    except CanError:
        #self.parent.logger.debug("Error occurred while receiving frame. Returning None.")
        return None
        if frame is None or frame.arbitration_id != or not len(
            if frame.arbitration_id !=
                print(f"Received frame with unexpected arbitration ID: {frame.arbitration_id}")
            return None  # Timeout condition.
        extended = frame.is_extended_id
        identifier = can.Identifier.make_identifier(frame.arbitration_id, extended)
        return can.Frame(
SaxElectronics commented 1 year ago

i have to correct my previous post, only missing DAQ Lists IDs are an issue.

SaxElectronics commented 6 months ago


christoph2 commented 6 months ago

Hallo, There will be a major update soon, which includes DAQ recording and dissection. The problem is reduced to a simple configuration task, the heavy lifting is then done by pyXCP, e.g.:

    DaqList("pwm_stuff", 2, False, False, [
        ("period", 0x001C0028, 0, "F32"),
        ("channel2", 0x1BD008, 0, "F32"),
        ("PWMFiltered", 0x1BDDE2, 0, "U8"),
        ("PWM", 0x1BDDDF, 0, "U8"),
        ("Triangle", 0x1BDDDE, 0, "I8"),

This is not just a mock-up example, this is currently working/tested with Vector XCPsim; finally there are some .CSV files written (one per DAQ-list), nice.

Another big thing is the completely new traitlets based configuration system (well-known from IPython/Jupyter).

Specifying per DAQ-list CAN identifiers is then possible as follows:

c.Transport.Can.daq_identifier=[5, 6, 7]

OK, regarding CAN, there are still some open issues:

SaxElectronics commented 6 months ago


Yes, I am using predefined DAQ List. Just to make things clear, I am not that much of an expert like you are for sure.

What i am currently developing is a python qt application which uses the pyxcp protocol as a low level driver to handle received packages. Since I had issues that the daq lists were not received at all and i did not find much of documentation on the pyxcp why I had to dig deeper (which took me some days and so...) and found out the root cause.

What you see here is the fixes i had to make to be able to receive daq lists data from the XCP slave. I found out that the python-can driver throughs out any other messages then the master and slave can IDs.

Some additional info: I have written the xcp driver on my own which processes the daq lists. I can share this also. But since you are working on similar stuff, i guess this is then irrelevant.

Anyway pyxcp is great and i will keep using it for my application. Let me know if I can contribute somehow.

SaxElectronics commented 6 months ago

If i may contribute somehow to the major update let me know... we can save double work...

here some part of the xcp driver i had to create:

class XCPDriver:

    # RES/ERR PIDs

    # Error codes
    ERR_CMD_SYNCH = 0x00
    ERR_CMD_BUSY = 0x10
    ERR_DAQ_ACTIVE = 0x11

def __init__(self):
    # Initialize logger using GlobalLoggerControl
    self.logger = GlobalLoggerControl.get_logger("XCPDriver", "DEBUG")

    # Initialize available address granularity (AG) for all ODTs to 6 bytes
    self.available_ag_in_odt = []

    # Initialize an empty simulated DAQ list
    self.simulated_daqList = []

    # DAQ lists master
    self.daqLists_master = []
    # daq processor info
    self.dqp = []
    self.daq0 = DAQList("daq0", 10, 6, 0.01)
    self.daq1 = DAQList("daq1", 20, 6, 0.1)
    self.daq2 = DAQList("daq2", 20, 6, 1)

class DAQList:
    # define the buffer length of a DAQ List in seconds
    DAQ_SAMPLE_POINTER_THD_IN_SECONDS = 1 #  after 1 second the driver will exist the layer driver

    def __init__(self, daq_name: str, max_odts: int, max_odt_entries: int, sample_time: float): = daq_name
        self.idx = int(daq_name[-1])  # Take the last character and convert it to an integer
        self.max_odts = max_odts
        self.max_odt_entries = max_odt_entries

        # daq list filled flags
        self.size4_full = False
        self.size2_full = False
        self.size1_full = False
        self.sizeAll_full = False

def _add_variable_to_daq_list(self, variable_name, variable_size, variable_address_int, variable_data_type):
        Helper function to add a single variable to the simulated DAQ list.

        # Store the current state
        backup_daqList = copy.deepcopy(self.simulated_daqList)
        backup_ag_in_odt = copy.deepcopy(self.available_ag_in_odt)

        # Extract currently added variables
        current_variables = []
        for odt in self.simulated_daqList:
            for variable in odt:
                    "name": variable["variable_name"],
                    "size": variable["size"],
                    "address": variable["address"],   # extract the address as well,
                    "type": variable["type"]

        # Log the current state of current_variables before adding the new variable
        self.logger.debug(f"Current variables before adding new one: {current_variables}")

        # Add the new variable
            "name": variable_name, 
            "size": variable_size,
            "address": variable_address_int,
            "type": variable_data_type

        # Log the state of current_variables after adding the new variable
        self.logger.debug(f"Current variables after adding new one: {current_variables}")

        # Sort variables by size, descending
        sorted_variables = sorted(current_variables, key=lambda x: x["size"], reverse=True)

        # Clear the current DAQ list and the available AG

        # Now, add variables to the DAQ list in sorted order
            for var in sorted_variables:
                self._add_single_variable(var["name"], var["size"], var["address"], var["type"])  # pass the address to the helper function as well
        except ValueError:  # if adding any variable fails
            # Restore old state
            self.simulated_daqList = backup_daqList
            self.available_ag_in_odt = backup_ag_in_odt
            self.logger.error(f"Could not fit variable {variable_name}. Restored previous DAQ list state.")
            return False  # Indicate a negative feedback

        # update daq list state
        # if the flags for fill state get true, do not attempt to add other variables before removal

        return True
christoph2 commented 6 months ago

Hello, Help is always highly appreciated 😃 Especially when it comes to test new features; dynamic DAQ configuration works (under some optimistic assumptions), there is a considerable amount of C++ code to decode DAQs, but predefined DAQ functionality is still missing. I think, it should be possible to release a preview version within the next few days.

SaxElectronics commented 6 months ago

great, then let me know when it is there. I will fork and try to integrate in my application and can try some early hands on testing.