christophM / interpretable-ml-book

Book about interpretable machine learning
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Corrected Quantile Definition #278

Closed mkirchhof closed 2 years ago

mkirchhof commented 3 years ago

Hey, just a minor issue:

In section, Step 2 in the algorithm you write "Determine the 0.005-quantile level T of activations. This means 0.5% of all activations of channel k for image x are greater than T.". This should be the 0.995 quantile, since a quantile always defines how many values are smaller than or equal to it (see ). Note that Bau and Zhou also used this correct definition in their paper, but wrote it kind of weird ("select the quantile so that it has 0.5% greater than it"), which I believe lead to the mistake in the book.

PS: Other than that, a great book! I already recommended it to several students.