christopher-wild / FAIR4RS-Packaging
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Feedback: Section 5. Versioning #20

Open f-allian opened 1 week ago

f-allian commented 1 week ago

Figure caption: The framework of semantic versioning is described by three version numbers, major, minor and patch.

f-allian commented 1 week ago

Version control vs versioning (diagram)

f-allian commented 1 week ago

Put versioning section into preparing to publish Section

ns-rse commented 1 week ago

Poetry is introduced but there are multiple options available (see list below). Up to this point most things have been done without package management tools and versioning can be massively simplified and dynamically controlled via setuptools_scm independent of a package management tool. I think its good to teach basics without introducing additional frameworks/tools which whilst they might simplify workflows they often have an overhead of learning and it raises questions of why use one of another.

Alternatives to Poetry are...