christopher5106 / FastAnnotationTool

A tool using OpenCV to annotate images for image classification, optical character reading, ...
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Are rotated bounding boxes valid for the current tensorflow object detection api? #9

Open fastlater opened 6 years ago

achraf-boussaada commented 6 years ago

Hey !! wondering the same thing !! did you find an answer to your question ?

vdalv commented 6 years ago

@fastlater @achraf-boussaada Idk about this tool, but labelImg supports PascalVOC annotations which the TensorFlow Object Detection API uses. It also supports YOLO annotations.

achraf-boussaada commented 6 years ago

@vdalv yes labelImg does the job but you can't label your dataset using rotated bounding boxes and what we're looking for (me at least) is this and after working with tensorflow I can say that rotating bounding boxes are not supported yet so the issue can be closed.

vdalv commented 6 years ago

Ah, yeah I've seen people requesting a rotated bounding box feature for labelImg; I wasn't aware that tensorflow doesn't support them... what about YOLO/Darknet?

achraf-boussaada commented 6 years ago

I didn't really try with YOLO but I don't think it supports the rotated bounding boxes either.