christopherbaine / Canvas-Public

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XY Element Sources removal only removes bottom Source Object #2

Open wnlowe opened 4 months ago

wnlowe commented 4 months ago


The minus sign at the bottom of the Sources list does not remove the selected source but only the bottom source.

Current Behavior

In selected XY element's Sources tab, when hitting the minus sign, no matter the selected object, the last object on the list is removed

Desired Behavior

When the minus sign is hit, whatever the selected object is gets removed. If no object is selected then the last object on the list is removed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create XY Element
  2. Go to Sources tab
  3. Add multiple sources with the plus sign
  4. Select one of the middle objects on the list
  5. observe bottom object on the list getting removed and not your selected object (they are numbered by default)

Reproduction Rate

