christophergandrud / d3Network

Tools for creating D3 JavaScript network graphs from R.
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Show the names of the nodes only on hover like in d3ForceNetwork #26

Open KobaKhit opened 9 years ago

KobaKhit commented 9 years ago

Another feature that would be helpful.

KobaKhit commented 9 years ago

EDIT: Tested the code below and it works.

d3SimpleNetwork(data.frame(network), width = 600, height = 350, hover=TRUE)

This code will produce a graph that shows names of the nodes only on hover. I can submit a pull request. End edit

A quick way I would do it:


  1. Add {{hover_style}} to BasicStyleSheet
  2. Add nodetext class by modifiying the node.append("text") to the following in the BasicForceJS
.attr("class", "nodetext")
.attr("x", 12)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.style("fill", "#3182bd")
.text(function(d) { return; });

3.Add {{hover_mouse_over}} inside the mouseover function in BasicForceJs like so:

function mouseover() {"circle").transition()
.attr("r", 16);


d3SimpleNetwork.R: Add a logical argument hover to the function d3SimpleNetwork and add the following after clickTextSize:

# Create click text size
clickTextSize <- fontsize * 2.5

# Initialize hover option

    .node:not(:hover) .nodetext {
      display: none;
        .attr('x', 13)
        .style('stroke-width', '.5px')
        .style('font', '",clickTextSize,"px serif')
        .style('opacity', 1);",sep="")

Should work. I did not test it cause dont know how. When I edited the html code myself to include the hover_style and hover_mouse_over I got the desired behavior. However, it would be more convinient to have this as an option in the d3SimpleNetwork function rather than editing the html myself.