christopherkenny / apsr

Quarto Template for APSR Submissions
MIT License
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Thanks and a couple of suggestions #1

Closed eteitelbaum closed 1 year ago

eteitelbaum commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this and your other awesome journal templates. I did not think we would have so many Quarto template options available for political science journals this quickly. Very exciting!

I just wanted suggest a couple of things for the documentation. First, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the template plays nicely with ggplot and popular table packages that tend to be more html oriented like kableExtra and gt. I think it might be worth including examples of how to incorporate these into your apsr.qmd file since the whole idea behind Quarto is that you can easily integrate your R code and visualizations with your text.

#| label: ggplot_figure
#| fig-cap: My ggplot Scatterplot
#| echo: false
#| message: false


ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, colour = class)) + 


#| label: my_gt_table
#| tbl-cap: "My gt Table"
#| echo: false
#| message: false


head(mtcars) |> gt()


Also, I found the readme to be slightly confusing wrt the classoption parameter. It seems like the arguments for classoption are twocolumn, singlespace, doublespace and onehalfspace but the bullet points make it look like blind/nonblind and citation style might also be subsumed under classoption.

Thanks again!

christopherkenny commented 1 year ago

Thank you. Some additions:

Let me know if you think this fixes your concerns.

eteitelbaum commented 1 year ago

Looks really good. Thanks for making those updates. I wonder if you might want to set echo to false for the Figure 3 ggplot code chunk since it is running off the page, but I guess it does show the user how you can mix code with text? Probably a matter of taste.

christopherkenny commented 1 year ago

Fair point, it's a little bit of a mix between showing and telling for templates like this. Added a default echo: false for the document, since the template is probably sufficient to show what to do.