christopherkenny / apsr

Quarto Template for APSR Submissions
MIT License
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Bolding and justificaiton of title #2

Closed eteitelbaum closed 1 year ago

eteitelbaum commented 1 year ago

Not a huge deal, but wanted to note that the bolding and justification of the title in your template looks slightly different than the original Overleaf template.

Here is the pdf produced by the original Overleaf template:


Here is the one I rendered using your template:


Also can't seem to get the italics around APSR as in the original with:

title: American Political Science Review \emph{(APSR)} Submission Template

Finally, I am noticing here that you are using the level 2 header in your apsr.qmd tutorial but level 1 headers are going to look more like the original...

christopherkenny commented 1 year ago

Thanks for pointing this out. Now using pdflatex to build it, which appears to fix the issue. I've also fixed the header levels, thanks!