I used to be able to import SW-generated STL files using CADMesh 1.x a few years ago. Recently I updated to 2.0.2 and presumably also a newer version of SolidWorks, SW 2017 SP5.0, to restart the project. I am getting error
The CAD file appears to contain incorrect syntax:
Error around line 1: Facets are indicated by the tag 'facet normal'.
from DoesNotMatchExactly("facet normal"). Is there a setting I missed when converting SW parts to STL or is this a bug? I am also attaching the STL I tried here. Thanks!
-- Yen-Yung
update 200707: I can import your bunny.stl, so it must be something wrong with SW-generated STLs...
update 200708: found the problem being the first line of the STL file
It doesn't like the original name "assembly - 300K_can-1," nor "300K_can" or "300Kcan," but accepts "Kcan" and "kcan." I guess numbers and special characters are not allowed.
I used to be able to import SW-generated STL files using CADMesh 1.x a few years ago. Recently I updated to 2.0.2 and presumably also a newer version of SolidWorks, SW 2017 SP5.0, to restart the project. I am getting error
from DoesNotMatchExactly("facet normal"). Is there a setting I missed when converting SW parts to STL or is this a bug? I am also attaching the STL I tried here. Thanks!
-- Yen-Yung
update 200707: I can import your bunny.stl, so it must be something wrong with SW-generated STLs... update 200708: found the problem being the first line of the STL file
It doesn't like the original name "assembly - 300K_can-1," nor "300K_can" or "300Kcan," but accepts "Kcan" and "kcan." I guess numbers and special characters are not allowed.