christopherpow / nesicide

Integrated Development Environment for the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System
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Application Error After Building on Windows #81

Open BacklogOdyssey opened 2 years ago

BacklogOdyssey commented 2 years ago


I'm running into an Application Error (0xc000007b) when trying to run nesicide.exe after successfully building it on windows. Below is my build environment:

Windows 10 Qt 5.12.6 (PATH: C:\Qt\Qt5.12.6\5.12.6\mingw73_64\bin and C:\Qt\Qt5.12.6) GnuWin32 (PATH: C:\Development\GnuWin\GnuWin32\bin) wget (PATH: C:\Development\GnuWin\GetGnuWin32\bin) MinGW (C:\msys64\mingw64\bin)

I did run into some errors before successfully building it however, which I was able to resolve with the below fixes:

The first error was regarding a pointer conversion issue in the CCodeBrowserDisplayModel::data method. I got around it by updating line 36 to int32_t addr = *((long*)index.internalPointer());

The final error had to due with Lua. To get around that I needed to rebuild Lua 5.1 and add it back to the deps/Windows/Lua directory

Hopefully these changes weren't what broke it! Anyways, this seems like an amazing project, and I'm super excited to test it out, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

christopherpow commented 2 years ago

I haven't had much time in recent years to maintain NESICIDE. It's largely been eclipsed, I think, by the availability of things like 8bitworkshop. I did finally upgrade my Mac with enough room to create a Windows VM though so I may have some downtime over the holidays to try. If you built it, though, can you run it inside Qt and get a crash backtrace? Thanks for the report!

BacklogOdyssey commented 2 years ago

Can do, and thanks for getting back to me! I'll dive back in and see if I can run it in Qt. I'll let you know the results as soon as I'm able!