christopherthielen / check-peer-dependencies

Checks peer dependencies of the current NodeJS package. Offers solutions for any that are unmet.
MIT License
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Unable to find a version #44

Open devopsmash opened 1 year ago

devopsmash commented 1 year ago

I have got the following error:

16:28:32  #12 108.7   ❌  Unable to find a version of ajv that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ^8.0.0 and ^8.8.2 and ^6.9.1
16:28:32  #12 108.7   ❌  Unable to find a version of mongoose that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ~6.10.0 and ~6.11.0 and *

It seems that ajv and mongoose is already installed, any chance that you can add a new flag that will choose the lowest version of the problematic npm package?

Full output:

16:27:45  #12 61.69 npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: check-peer-dependencies@4.2.0
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  @compodoc/compodoc ^1.1.15 is required by @twittwer/compodoc@1.9.0 (@compodoc/compodoc is not installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  ajv ^8.8.2 is required by ajv-keywords@5.1.0) (6.12.6 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ✅  ajv ^6.9.1 is required by ajv-keywords@3.5.2 (6.12.6 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  mongodb-memory-server 8.10.2 is required by @myrepo-core/test-framework@1.0.28 (mongodb-memory-server is not installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ✅  mongoose ~6.10.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.3.4 (6.10.5 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  mongoose ~6.11.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.4.0) (6.10.5 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  mongoose ~6.11.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.4.0) (6.10.5 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ✅  mongoose * is required by @nestjs/terminus@9.2.2 (6.10.5 is installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29   ❌  passport ^0.4.0 || ^0.5.0 || ^0.6.0 is required by @nestjs/passport@9.0.3 (passport is not installed)
16:27:48  #12 64.29 
16:27:48  #12 64.29 Searching for solutions for 6 missing dependencies...
16:27:48  #12 64.29 
16:27:51  #12 67.94   ❌  Unable to find a version of ajv that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ^8.0.0 and ^8.8.2 and ^6.9.1
16:27:51  #12 67.94   ❌  Unable to find a version of mongoose that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ~6.10.0 and ~6.11.0 and *
16:27:51  #12 67.94 
16:27:51  #12 67.94 Installing peerDependencies...
16:27:51  #12 67.94 
16:27:51  #12 67.94 $ yarn add mongodb-memory-server@8.10.2 passport@0.6.0
16:27:51  #12 68.20 yarn add v1.22.19
16:27:52  #12 68.33 [1/4] Resolving packages...
16:27:53  #12 69.89 [2/4] Fetching packages...
16:27:54  #12 70.94 [3/4] Linking dependencies...
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning " > @anatine/zod-nestjs@1.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "openapi3-ts@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning " > @anatine/zod-nestjs@1.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "ts-deepmerge@4.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning "@anatine/zod-nestjs > @anatine/zod-openapi@1.12.1" has unmet peer dependency "openapi3-ts@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning " > @myrepo-core/typegoose-connector@1.0.28" has unmet peer dependency "is-class@^0.0.9".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning "@myrepo-core/elastic-apm-provider > @typegoose/typegoose@10.4.0" has unmet peer dependency "mongoose@~6.11.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning " > @nestjs/axios@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "axios@^1.3.1".
16:27:54  #12 70.95 warning "@nrwl/cypress > @nrwl/devkit@15.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "nx@>= 14.1 <= 16".
16:27:54  #12 70.96 warning "@nrwl/nest > @nrwl/node > @nrwl/webpack > babel-loader@9.1.2" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.12.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.96 warning " > @nx-tools/nx-container@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@nrwl/devkit@^12.0.0 || ^13.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.96 warning " > @nx-tools/nx-container@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "dotenv@>=10.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.96 warning "@nx-tools/nx-container > @nx-tools/core@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@nrwl/devkit@^12.0.0 || ^13.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0".
16:27:54  #12 70.96 warning " > @twittwer/compodoc@1.9.0" has unmet peer dependency "@compodoc/compodoc@^1.1.15".
16:28:07  #12 81.57 [4/4] Building fresh packages...
16:28:08  #12 85.06 success Saved lockfile.
16:28:08  #12 85.33 success Saved 13 new dependencies.
16:28:09  #12 85.33 info Direct dependencies
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ mongodb-memory-server@8.10.2
16:28:09  #12 85.33 └─ passport@0.6.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 info All dependencies
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ @types/tmp@0.2.3
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ async-mutex@0.3.2
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ buffer-crc32@0.2.13
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ fd-slicer@1.1.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ get-port@5.1.1
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ md5-file@5.0.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ mongodb-memory-server-core@8.10.2
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ mongodb-memory-server@8.10.2
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ new-find-package-json@2.0.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ passport@0.6.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ pause@0.0.1
16:28:09  #12 85.33 ├─ pend@1.2.0
16:28:09  #12 85.33 └─ yauzl@2.10.0
16:28:09  #12 85.34 Done in 17.14s.
16:28:09  #12 85.39 
16:28:09  #12 85.39 $ yarn add -D @compodoc/compodoc@1.1.19
16:28:09  #12 85.66 yarn add v1.22.19
16:28:09  #12 85.78 [1/4] Resolving packages...
16:28:11  #12 87.47 warning @compodoc/compodoc > pdfjs-dist > dommatrix@1.0.3: dommatrix is no longer maintained. Please use @thednp/dommatrix.
16:28:11  #12 87.49 warning @compodoc/compodoc > @angular-devkit/schematics > magic-string > sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
16:28:11  #12 88.04 warning @compodoc/compodoc > pdfmake > @foliojs-fork/pdfkit > @foliojs-fork/fontkit > brfs > static-module > magic-string > sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
16:28:12  #12 88.82 [2/4] Fetching packages...
16:28:12  #12 88.83 warning Pattern ["cors@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/cache/.npm_cache/v6/npm-cors-2.8.5-eac11da51592dd86b9f06f6e7ac293b3df875d29-integrity/node_modules/cors" as pattern ["cors@2.8.5","cors@~2.8.5"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
16:28:12  #12 88.83 warning Pattern ["object-assign@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/cache/.npm_cache/v6/npm-object-assign-4.1.1-2109adc7965887cfc05cbbd442cac8bfbb360863-integrity/node_modules/object-assign" as pattern ["object-assign@^4","object-assign@^4.1.1","object-assign@^4.1.1","object-assign@^4"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
16:28:12  #12 88.83 warning Pattern ["send@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/cache/.npm_cache/v6/npm-send-0.18.0-670167cc654b05f5aa4a767f9113bb371bc706be-integrity/node_modules/send" as pattern ["send@0.18.0","send@0.18.0"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
16:28:13  #12 89.96 [3/4] Linking dependencies...
16:28:13  #12 89.96 warning " > @anatine/zod-nestjs@1.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "openapi3-ts@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.96 warning " > @anatine/zod-nestjs@1.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "ts-deepmerge@4.0.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.96 warning "@anatine/zod-nestjs > @anatine/zod-openapi@1.12.1" has unmet peer dependency "openapi3-ts@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.96 warning " > @myrepo-core/typegoose-connector@1.0.28" has unmet peer dependency "is-class@^0.0.9".
16:28:13  #12 89.96 warning " > @nestjs/axios@2.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "axios@^1.3.1".
16:28:13  #12 89.97 warning "@nrwl/cypress > @nrwl/devkit@15.9.2" has unmet peer dependency "nx@>= 14.1 <= 16".
16:28:13  #12 89.97 warning "@nrwl/nest > @nrwl/node > @nrwl/webpack > babel-loader@9.1.2" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.12.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.98 warning " > @nx-tools/nx-container@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@nrwl/devkit@^12.0.0 || ^13.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.98 warning " > @nx-tools/nx-container@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "dotenv@>=10.0.0".
16:28:13  #12 89.98 warning "@nx-tools/nx-container > @nx-tools/core@4.0.3" has unmet peer dependency "@nrwl/devkit@^12.0.0 || ^13.0.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0".
16:28:28  #12 104.3 [4/4] Building fresh packages...
16:28:28  #12 104.6 success Saved lockfile.
16:28:28  #12 104.9 success Saved 89 new dependencies.
16:28:28  #12 104.9 info Direct dependencies
16:28:28  #12 104.9 └─ @compodoc/compodoc@1.1.19
16:28:28  #12 104.9 info All dependencies
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @aduh95/viz.js@3.7.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @compodoc/compodoc@1.1.19
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @compodoc/live-server@1.2.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @compodoc/ngd-core@2.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @compodoc/ngd-transformer@2.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @foliojs-fork/fontkit@1.9.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @foliojs-fork/pdfkit@0.13.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @foliojs-fork/restructure@2.0.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ @ts-morph/common@0.12.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ acorn-node@1.8.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ amdefine@1.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ ansi-gray@0.1.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ ansi-wrap@0.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ apache-crypt@1.2.6
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ apache-md5@1.1.8
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ array-from@2.1.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ ast-transform@0.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ ast-types@0.7.8
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ at-least-node@1.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ bcryptjs@2.4.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ brfs@2.0.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ brotli@1.3.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ browser-resolve@1.11.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ browserify-optional@1.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ buffer-equal@0.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ callsite@1.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ cheerio-select@2.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ cheerio@1.0.0-rc.12
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ code-block-writer@11.0.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ connect@3.7.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ crypto-js@4.1.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ css-select@5.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ dash-ast@2.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ decache@4.6.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ deep-equal@1.1.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ dfa@1.2.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ dommatrix@1.0.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ dot@1.1.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ duplexer2@0.1.4
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ es6-map@0.1.5
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ es6-set@0.1.6
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ estree-is-function@1.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ event-stream@4.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ fancy-log@2.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ findit2@2.2.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ from@0.1.7
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ get-assigned-identifiers@1.2.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ htmlparser2@8.0.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ http-auth-connect@1.0.6
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ http-auth@4.1.9
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ i18next@21.10.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ inside@1.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ is-arguments@1.1.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ loglevel-plugin-prefix@0.8.4
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ lunr@2.3.9
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ macos-release@2.5.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ map-stream@0.0.7
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ marked@4.3.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ merge-source-map@1.0.4
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ morgan@1.10.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ object-is@1.1.5
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ opencollective-postinstall@2.0.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ os-name@4.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ pako@0.2.9
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter@7.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ path-browserify@1.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ pause-stream@0.0.11
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ pdfjs-dist@2.16.105
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ pdfmake@0.2.7
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ png-js@1.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ proxy-middleware@0.15.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ pump@3.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ quote-stream@1.0.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ scope-analyzer@2.1.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ shallow-copy@0.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ sourcemap-codec@1.4.8
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ split@1.0.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ static-eval@2.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ static-module@3.0.4
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ stream-combiner@0.2.2
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ through2@2.0.5
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ time-stamp@1.1.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ tiny-inflate@1.0.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ ts-morph@13.0.3
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ unicode-properties@1.4.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ unix-crypt-td-js@1.1.4
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ web-streams-polyfill@3.2.1
16:28:28  #12 104.9 ├─ windows-release@4.0.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 └─ xmldoc@1.3.0
16:28:28  #12 104.9 Done in 19.25s.
16:28:28  #12 104.9 
16:28:30  #12 106.1 Found 1 new unmet peerDependencies...
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ❌  ajv ^8.8.2 is required by ajv-keywords@5.1.0) (6.12.6 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ✅  ajv ^6.9.1 is required by ajv-keywords@3.5.2 (6.12.6 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ✅  mongoose ~6.10.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.3.4 (6.10.5 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ❌  mongoose ~6.11.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.4.0) (6.10.5 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ❌  mongoose ~6.11.0 is required by @typegoose/typegoose@10.4.0) (6.10.5 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3   ✅  mongoose * is required by @nestjs/terminus@9.2.2 (6.10.5 is installed)
16:28:30  #12 107.3 
16:28:30  #12 107.3 Searching for solutions for 3 missing dependencies...
16:28:30  #12 107.3 
16:28:32  #12 108.7   ❌  Unable to find a version of ajv that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ^8.0.0 and ^8.8.2 and ^6.9.1
16:28:32  #12 108.7   ❌  Unable to find a version of mongoose that satisfies the following peerDependencies: ~6.10.0 and ~6.11.0 and *
16:28:32  #12 108.