christopherthielen / ui-router-extras

THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED -- Extras for UI-Router for AngularJS. Sticky States (a.k.a. parallel states), Deep State Redirect (for tab-like navigation), Future States (async state definition)
MIT License
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Is this project dead? #336

Open Maximaximum opened 7 years ago

Maximaximum commented 7 years ago

Last commit dates 3 moths ago, and there are 80 open issues. Just wondering whether it's OK to use UI Router Extras and whether it is going to be maintained in future?

Also, it should support the latest version of ui router, I guess.


christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the interest in this project.

I don't want to abandon ui-router-extras. However, I confess that I haven't given it as much attention as it needs lately.

Here is why:

I am also the primary maintainer of the main ui-router project. UI-Router 1.0 is a pretty dramatic architecture shift, and I have been putting most of my free time making the 1.0 release happen as soon and smoothly as possible.

Much of the extras code relies on the implementation details of legacy ui-router 0.x version. This means compatibility with 1.0 will require some rewriting. The good news is that the rewrite should dramatically simplify the code.

Here is the path forward for UI-Router Extras:

Each project that needs to be rewritten should probably be created as its own github project, perhaps under the organization. My goal was to get 1.0 finalized (including Future States), and then attack the rewrites. Rewriting Sticky States will be the most challenging, but the rewrite should be vastly simpler to understand than the current codebase is.

For users who are unable to upgrade to ui-router 1.0, this project (in its current form) will still be valuable to them.

Maximaximum commented 7 years ago

Many thanks for the response!

Nice to know that some of the features will be included into the core.

Could you please give a hint on where to search for FutureStates in the new ui-router v.1.0?

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

@Maximaximum I'm working on Future States for 1.0 core this week/next week

Maximaximum commented 7 years ago

Great! Thanks, I'll be really waiting for that feature!

aloulouamine commented 7 years ago

Is the current version compatible with ui-router 0.3.0 ?


christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

Is the current version compatible with ui-router 0.3.0 ?


w-sz commented 7 years ago

Hi @christopherthielen , thank you for your great ui-router extension. I started to use ui-router beta, when you expect to add sticky option there ?

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

@witoldszpur you can track the progress here:

Currently I've only done some experimentation and don't have a solid timeline

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

By the way all, Future States are in 1.0 core as of beta.2.

lencyforce commented 7 years ago

So how can I use Future States in ui-router beta 2? Is the API changed? Simply remove the dependency to ui-router-extras seems not work.

lencyforce commented 7 years ago

Looks like I found what I need in the unit test file...

nmoinvaz commented 7 years ago

I think it would be great if all the features were included in core.

crgeee commented 7 years ago

@christopherthielen any updates on sticky states compatibility with ui router 1.0? This feature is very important to me as I don't know of any alternatives to this type of support. Thanks for all your work

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago

@crgeee we're really close to a 1.0 final release. After that, I will devote time to implementing sticky states for 1.0

crgeee commented 7 years ago

@christopherthielen thanks for the quick update, looking forward to both

wallzero commented 7 years ago

Hey, I see 1.0.1 is the latest release. Has development on ui-router-extras begun? Thanks!

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago
gauravmahto commented 7 years ago

Can we get an update on the above items? The last commit that I see is about 2-3 months old. Looking forward to the Sticky States and the Deep State Redirect.

christopherthielen commented 7 years ago


RavishankarMSGR commented 3 years ago

Hi @christopherthielen , I am trying to migrate my application from angular1.3x to 1.5x, I have upgraded angular-ui-router: 0.2x to @uirouter/angularjs:1.0x. I followed the guidelines( to upgrade uirouter and installed ui-router-core and ui-router-angularjs aswell. since in my application i was using ui-router-extras: 0.0.14(stickyStateProvider) which is deprecated alternatively i am trying to use @uirouter/sticky-states.

I am getting ( require.js:166 Uncaught Error: Script error for: @uirouter/core ) error after injecting both ui-router-core and ui-router-angularjs (Please consider me rookie if i had made a mistake)

     "shim": {
        "uiRouterCore": {
            "deps": ["angular"]
        "angularUiRouter": {
            "deps": [

Am i following the right approach in migrating my application, please help and shed some light

christopherthielen commented 3 years ago

@RavishankarMSGR I don't use requirejs, so I cannot provide any help with regards to that.

However, I do suspect that in your config, uiRouterCore should be @uirouter/core and angularUiRouter should be @uirouter/angularjs (sticky states looks for '@uirouter/core')

RavishankarMSGR commented 3 years ago

@christopherthielen Many Thanks. Your suspect was right, Worked for me. corrected the path issue and injected the sticky states for ui-router 1.x