Here are a couple suggestions for possible improvements or notes to put in the README based on my experience of getting this up and running.
The cron job timing will use the UTC timezone since docker doesn't sync with the system clock. There are some workarounds that can take in an environment variable like this but the easiest workaround for me was just to set the timing based on UTC. I am PST and I want to run at midnight, so I just used 0 7 * * *. May be worth putting a note about this in the README if you aren't interested in adding the environment variable option.
I was getting very poor backup speeds until I removed -threads 4 so that duplicacy would run single threaded. With 4 threads I was getting about 100kB/s at steady state and with only a single thread I'm getting closer to 1MB/s. This post has some good info about this. Again, if you don't want to modify that in the Dockerfile since 4 threads works well for your needs, it may be worth at least adding a note to the README.
Here are a couple suggestions for possible improvements or notes to put in the README based on my experience of getting this up and running.
0 7 * * *
. May be worth putting a note about this in the README if you aren't interested in adding the environment variable option.-threads 4
so that duplicacy would run single threaded. With 4 threads I was getting about 100kB/s at steady state and with only a single thread I'm getting closer to 1MB/s. This post has some good info about this. Again, if you don't want to modify that in the Dockerfile since 4 threads works well for your needs, it may be worth at least adding a note to the README.