christophgysin / pasystray

PulseAudio system tray
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Travis-ci: added support for ppc64le #134

Closed dthadi3 closed 3 years ago

dthadi3 commented 3 years ago

Added power support for the travis.yml file with ppc64le. This is part of the Ubuntu distribution for ppc64le. This helps us simplify testing later when distributions are re-building and re-releasing.

christophgysin commented 3 years ago

While this is a trivial change for pasystray, is this really a reasonable thing to do? This is will cause Travis CI double the load.

If you want to port Ubuntu to ppc64le, maybe you should ask Ubuntu for resources to rebuild all packages for your arch.

Feel free to elaborate why this is sensible if I'm missing something obvious here.

dthadi3 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your response @christophgysin , Can you please respond to the query @gerrith3 .

christophgysin commented 3 years ago

Dear @dthadi3 and @gerrith3

I notice that you two are working for IBM and are on a spree to cause opensource projects to add additional load to travis by building for your archtiecture. Surely IBM can afford some build servers instead of abusing the free tier of travis?

This is unacceptable. Please stop this immediately both here and on all other projects. Otherwise I feel obliged to report you to Github, Travis, and your superiors at IBM.

gerrith3 commented 3 years ago

@christophgysin sorry fo ryour cease and desist request here but IBM provides for free all of the hardware behind the Travis CI ppc64le environment. You can use it for free as a result and it is a collaboration between Travis and IBM that actually makes this available exactly for this purpose. We are doing this as part of a major shift away from sending out millions of dollars of hardware and instead using our public cloud to optimise the overall build ecosystem. Catching regressions at top of tree saves us millions of dollars of developer resource, hardware costs, and overall ecosystem inefficiencies.

gerrith3 commented 3 years ago

@christophgysin and apologies, I'm a bit behind in email and missed your earlier comment. Yes, IBM and Travis knows that this will increase the load there - primarily on IBM provided hardware. We also provide the hardware via contract wtih Canonical and Red Hat, and many other communities - and are trying to consolidate and ensure that the ppc64le architecture is a full peer of x86-64 hardware, where anyone can pick up top of tree and have confidence that it will work on their Power based hardware, including servers from OpenPowerFoundation members and IBM Power systems.

christophgysin commented 3 years ago

In that case I apologize for my wrong assumptions. It's great that IBM is sponsoring hardware to Travis.

I would suggest that in the future when you open PRs like these, to be transparent about who you are, who you work for, and what is your motivation for this change.

gerrith3 commented 3 years ago

@christophgysin I believe our entire team has updated their github profiles with that clarity but yes, @dthadi3 isn't following our best practices exactly here with the up front clarification of the fact that he is working for IBM, although his profile should be clear on that point. Thanks for the feedback, our team is big into the agile model and specifically continuous improvement!

dthadi3 commented 3 years ago

@christophgysin sorry for the late response, It's works perfectly on ppc64le (Ubuntu) and tested on VM.

@gerrith3 Thanks for the follow-up, I'll do my best further.