chrisvans / onbaristawebapp

Web App for Baristas to check in when they are on bar
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base.html bugfix #13

Closed chrisvans closed 11 years ago

chrisvans commented 11 years ago

base.html: If no favorite barista, should show corresponding message.
Currently shows 'None is not checked in.'

chrisvans commented 11 years ago

{% if isCheckedIn %}, line ~82 in base.html What does isCheckedIn refer to? It seems to return True, but I can't find what it's referencing.

chrisvans commented 11 years ago

Nevermind, I found the dictionary in Corresponds to isFavBarCheckedIn. Will likely refactor this so that the check for whether or not a barista is checked in doesn't only occur at the time of login. Not working on it yet, though.