chrisvans / onbaristawebapp

Web App for Baristas to check in when they are on bar
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form, responsive NavBar #55

Closed chrisvans closed 11 years ago

chrisvans commented 11 years ago

Do you have any idea how to edit the responsiveness of the top navbar? Something where it collapsed only when it was less than x pixels would be cool. The default is too high for our app.

Also, how exactly does this {{ form.mug }} in profile.html work? I see that it's by default an unchanged instance of the MugForm class, and then has the file info loaded into it when you select a file. It looks like it creates its own button, and its own message. I'm not sure how to appropriately change the message, it looks like it defaults to 'Choose file' and 'No file chosen' even though the label you have set for it is 'Select a file'. I'd also like to change the look of the button, but I'm not sure how to approach it since it seems to be creating its own button.

AJLeonardi commented 11 years ago

the responsive settings are in the bootstrap css or js somewhere. I think if you dig into the bootstrap documentation you can find it. I'll give it a quick look.

I'm not sure how to set that stuff. I think the errors message comes out of default django forms. you might be able to overwrite it? the label that shows "select a file" isn't actually used in the template -- that's why itoesn't show. I'm not sure how to update the button text.

AJLeonardi commented 11 years ago

shows you how to set the large/default/etc ranges.

chrisvans commented 11 years ago

Changed the NavBar, decided to leave the button as-is.