chrisveness / geodesy

Libraries of geodesy functions implemented in JavaScript
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"Must use import to load ES Module" problem #79

Open karianpour opened 4 years ago

karianpour commented 4 years ago

With node 12 , when I tries the sample I got the following error. It looks like it cannot import the module. Does it support node 12?

$> node -r esm
Welcome to Node.js v12.16.1.
> import LatLon from 'geodesy/latlon-spherical.js';
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: .../node_modules/geodesy/latlon-spherical.js
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1174:13) {
long1eu commented 4 years ago

Similar issue here.

chrisveness commented 4 years ago

Some very strange behaviour going on here.

I can replicate this issue on a fresh npm install using e.g. Node.js v12.16.1 – but if I switch to an earlier version (v12.15.0 or earlier), then switch back to v12.16.1, it works correctly.

$ npm install geodesy esm

Using 12.16.1 fails:

$ nvm use 12.16.1
$ node -r esm
> import LatLon from 'geodesy/latlon-spherical.js';
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: /tmp/node_modules/geodesy/latlon-spherical.js
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1174:13) {

Switching to an earlier version works:

$ nvm use 12.15.0
$ node -r esm
> import LatLon from 'geodesy/latlon-spherical.js';
> new LatLon(51, 1)
LatLonSpherical { _lat: 51, _lon: 1 }

Switching back to 12.16.1 then works:

$ nvm use 12.16.1
$ node -r esm
> import LatLon from 'geodesy/latlon-spherical.js';
> new LatLon(51, 1)
LatLonSpherical { _lat: 51, _lon: 1 }

I have already logged an issue on the esm repository relating to this.

Versions prior to 12.16.0 appear to work ok (though 12.14.0 & 12.15.0 thow out an error message).

If you are able to upgrade to Node.js v13.2.0+, esm is no longer required (though import is not available in the REPL).

$ nvm use 13.2.0
$ cat test.js
import LatLon from 'geodesy/latlon-spherical.js';
console.log(new LatLon(51, 1));
$ node test.js
(node:26167) ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.
LatLonSpherical { _lat: 51, _lon: 1 }
chrisveness commented 4 years ago

It appears that ES modules can be loaded using the esm package in Node.js v8.0.0–v12.15.0, and natively in Node.js v13.2.0+. I'm not sure if the gap between those two options will ever get fixed.

montumodi commented 4 years ago

@chrisveness Is there a workaround for this issue? We are currently using it in lambda function and it is breaking with the same error? We are using node version 12.x in lambda function

jomel commented 4 years ago

@montumodi Use v1 branch. ;) It's ES5.

montumodi commented 4 years ago

Thanks @jomel. We downgraded it to v1 for this but was wondering if there is any other fix or workaround available.

chrisveness commented 4 years ago

Node.js is having a slightly difficult time in migrating from CJS to ESM, I think.

This library was originally ES5 for browser only. At some point I added module.export statements for it to work with Node.js. Version 2 was a major enhancement, which was only possible with ES modules (I didn't want to get involved with Babel build steps).

In Node.js, CJS & ESM have fundamental differences, which the node team are slowly reconciling.

As far as I am aware, current options for using the geodesy library are:

strarsis commented 3 years ago

I get the same error with node v15.3.0 and with the recommended flags enabled.

node --experimental-modules -r esm test.js
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: [...]/node_modules/geodesy/latlon-ellipsoidal-vincenty.js
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:278:15)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:13) {
mickeyjohn commented 3 years ago


I got the same error message when trying to use V2 on CommonJs modules. Thus, I migrated to using v2 with some code changes as examples below. Basically, in recent Node versions > v12.x, you can use dynamic module loading directly. Note that dynamic ES modules loading works asynchronously.

async function Func() {
  // Dynamically load ES geodesy v2 modules.
  const llsMod = await import('geodesy2/latlon-spherical.js');
  LatLonSP = llsMod.default;
  const utmMod = await import('geodesy2/utm.js');
  Utm = utmMod.default;
  LatLon = utmMod.LatLon;

 // Then use as:
  const utm1 = new Utm(..);
  const latlng = new LatLon();