chrisvxd / story2sketch

Convert Storybook into Sketch symbols 💎
402 stars 32 forks source link

Running on CircleCI #54

Closed hipstersmoothie closed 5 years ago

hipstersmoothie commented 5 years ago

Works great locally. Trying to integrate it with my release automation on circleCI. Currently i have verbose logging on and it hangs here

@fuego/ttds-react: warning package.json: No license field
@fuego/ttds-react: $ cross-env STORYBOOK_MODE=TEST build-storybook -o out -s static && story2sketch && bestzip ../../../out/ ../../../out/ttds.asketch.json
@fuego/ttds-react: info @storybook/react v4.0.9
@fuego/ttds-react: info 
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Loading presets
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Loading custom addons config.
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Using base config because react-scripts is not installed.
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Loading custom webpack config (full-control mode).
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Using base config because react-scripts is not installed.
@fuego/ttds-react: info => Copying static files from: static
@fuego/ttds-react: info Building storybook ...
@fuego/ttds-react: info Building storybook completed.
@fuego/ttds-react:               ,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,
@fuego/ttds-react:              **,,,,,,,,,,.......,,,,,,,,,,**
@fuego/ttds-react:             ***,,,,,,,,...........,,,,,,,,***
@fuego/ttds-react:           ****,,,,,,, ............. ,,,,,,,****
@fuego/ttds-react:          *****.,,,, .               . ,,,,.*****
@fuego/ttds-react:        *******.,,..                   ..,,.*******
@fuego/ttds-react:       ******** ,.                      .., ********
@fuego/ttds-react:      (((((////,***************************,////(((((
@fuego/ttds-react:       ((///////,*************************,///////((
@fuego/ttds-react:         ////////,***********************,////////
@fuego/ttds-react:           ///////,*********************,///////
@fuego/ttds-react:            ///////,*******************,///////
@fuego/ttds-react:              //////,******,,,,,******,//////
@fuego/ttds-react:                /////,*,,,,,,,,,,,,,*,/////
@fuego/ttds-react:                  ////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,////
@fuego/ttds-react:                   ////,,,,,,,,,,,,,////
@fuego/ttds-react:                     ///,,,,,,,,,,,///
@fuego/ttds-react:                       //,,,,,,,,,//
@fuego/ttds-react:                        //*,,,,,*//
@fuego/ttds-react:                          /,,,,,/
@fuego/ttds-react:                            *,*
@fuego/ttds-react:                     story2sketch
@fuego/ttds-react: Input URL: file:///home/circleci/intuit-components/packages/base/react/out/iframe.html}
@fuego/ttds-react: Output File: /home/circleci/intuit-components/out/ttds.asketch.json
@fuego/ttds-react: Detecting stories...

Putting this here for visibility. I will probably investigate this today but if you have any pointers they are welcome!

relevant config.yml

version: 2

defaults: &defaults
  working_directory: ~/intuit-components
    - image: circleci/node:latest-browsers
hipstersmoothie commented 5 years ago

Fixed this by adding the following to my story2sketch.config.js

  puppeteerOptions: {
    args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']

making a PR to add docs.

chrisvxd commented 5 years ago

👏 Nice work on this.

For some weird reason, I'm still only getting sporadic notifications for this repo, so only stumbled on this by browsing the project. Going to double check all my settings...