chroma-core / chroma

the AI-native open-source embedding database
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: Unable to delete the persistent directory from another program due to PermissionError #2446

Open axiangcoding opened 5 days ago

axiangcoding commented 5 days ago

What happened?

I have two programmes, one build by fastapi, we call it server, and one for schedule tasks, we call it cronjob. I'm using chromadb in server to create the data through chromadb sdk (wrapper by langchain-chromadb), and i have running the cronjob to clean the persist directory.

But when chromadb finishes executing normally in server, and then I delete the persist directory on the cronjob, error happened.

PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4\\a1a91d6b-3f63-463d-950c-ee1638e306e1\\data_level0.bin'

code in server is as follow:

client = chromadb.PersistentClient(presist_path)
# things here...

code in cronjob is as follow:


This is very strange. It looks like some resources are not being released. Any idea of where should i start to debug it?


both service install the same version of chromadb

langchain-chroma = "^0.1.1" chromadb = "^0.5.3"

Relevant log output

    │      │      └ '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4'
    │      └ <function rmtree at 0x0000014FFD6C8C20>
    └ <module 'shutil' from 'D:\\Program Files\\python311\\Lib\\'>

  File "D:\Program Files\python311\Lib\", line 759, in rmtree
    return _rmtree_unsafe(path, onerror)
           │              │     └ <function rmtree.<locals>.onerror at 0x0000014F901F7060>
           │              └ '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4'
           └ <function _rmtree_unsafe at 0x0000014FFD6C8AE0>
  File "D:\Program Files\python311\Lib\", line 617, in _rmtree_unsafe
    _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onerror)
    │              │         └ <function rmtree.<locals>.onerror at 0x0000014F901F7060>
    │              └ '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4\\a1a91d6b-3f63-463d-950c-ee1638e306e1'
    └ <function _rmtree_unsafe at 0x0000014FFD6C8AE0>
  File "D:\Program Files\python311\Lib\", line 622, in _rmtree_unsafe
    onerror(os.unlink, fullname, sys.exc_info())
    │       │  │       │         │   └ <built-in function exc_info>
    │       │  │       │         └ <module 'sys' (built-in)>
    │       │  │       └ '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4\\a1a91d6b-3f63-463d-950c-ee1638e306e1\\data_level0.bin'
    │       │  └ <built-in function unlink>
    │       └ <module 'os' (frozen)>
    └ <function rmtree.<locals>.onerror at 0x0000014F901F7060>
  File "D:\Program Files\python311\Lib\", line 620, in _rmtree_unsafe
    │  │      └ '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4\\a1a91d6b-3f63-463d-950c-ee1638e306e1\\data_level0.bin'
    │  └ <built-in function unlink>
    └ <module 'os' (frozen)>

PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: '/xxx/chromadb\\773758b4e4e888ab613ce67feb3329b4\\a1a91d6b-3f63-463d-950c-ee1638e306e1\\data_level0.bin'
axiangcoding commented 5 days ago

Looks like the issue has been mentioned before at, and Could it only be the issue in Windows?

tazarov commented 4 days ago

Hey @axiangcoding, you are hitting a Windows-related problem where (not necessarily your case) a Windows admin process (e.g., MS Defender) holds the file for a little while after another process has accessed it.

However, your case might be slightly different as your FastAPI can hold the file, given that your cronjob is a separate process. Before trying to run shutil.rmtree(presist_path) do you delete the given collection for which you're cleaning up the data (e.g. client.delete_collection("col_name")?

axiangcoding commented 3 days ago

hi @tazarov , I have try client.delete_collection() before remove directory, but it only cleaned up the data in the sqlite database and didn't delete any files.

btw, i tried client.reset() too, didn't delete any files.

tazarov commented 1 day ago

@axiangcoding, can you trace what process keeps the lock on the file? As an alternative, have you tried running things into a docker container with a volume instead of directory mount?

axiangcoding commented 1 day ago

@axiangcoding, can you trace what process keeps the lock on the file? As an alternative, have you tried running things into a docker container with a volume instead of directory mount?

Just known that it is the fastapi process that keep the file lock. I'll try the other sugguestions later

tazarov commented 1 day ago

@axiangcoding, thanks for confirming. That means that Chroma hasn't released the file yet.