We've integrated Chromatic for visual testing in our Azure pipeline, but it's not failing the build when UI changes are detected. The pipeline continues to pass even when there are visible changes in the components. We're not sure if this is a bug or configuration issue.
What We've Tried
[x] Added --exit-zero-on-changes flag to Chromatic command
[x] Implemented a separate step to check Chromatic results
[x] Attempted to fail the pipeline using exit 1 when changes are detected
[x] Verified that UI changes are visible in Chromatic dashboard
[x] Checked Azure pipeline logs for any error messages or warnings
Current Behavior
Chromatic runs successfully in the pipeline
UI changes are visible in the Chromatic dashboard
Azure pipeline passes despite these changes
Expected Behavior
Chromatic detects UI changes
Azure pipeline fails when Chromatic detects changes
Requires manual review and approval before the PR can be merged
Steps to Reproduce
Make a visible UI change in a component (e.g., change background color, add padding)
Commit and push changes to a feature branch
Create a Pull Request
Observe that the Azure pipeline passes despite UI changes
Code Snippets
Current Configuration
- main
- group: project-variables
- '*'
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 0
- script: sed -i 's/\${PROJECT_XX_XXXXX}/$(PROJECT_XX_XXXXX)/' .npmrc
displayName: 'Inject PROJECT_XX_XXXXX into .npmrc'
- script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=nodeVersion]$(cat .nvmrc)"
displayName: 'Read Node.js version from .nvmrc'
- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: $(nodeVersion)
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
- script: npm ci
displayName: 'Install dependencies'
- script: npm run storybook:build
displayName: 'Build Storybook'
# Publish to Chromatic
- script: npm run chromatic:publish -- --project-token=$(CHROMATIC_PROJECT_TOKEN)
displayName: 'Publish to Chromatic'
# Run Chromatic for visual testing on pull requests
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Run Chromatic for visual testing'
script: npx chromatic ##--exit-zero-on-changes
condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
# This step runs Chromatic and continues even if visual changes are detected
# Require approval for visual changes
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Require approval for visual changes'
script: |
if [ -f chromatic-report.json ]; then
changes=$(jq '.changes' chromatic-report.json)
if [ "$changes" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Visual changes detected. Please review and approve."
exit 1
condition: eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')
# This step checks the Chromatic report and requires approval if changes are detected
Additional Information:
Chromatic version: 11.5.6
Azure Pipelines version: 1.0.1
Node.js version: v20.12.2
Is there a specific environment variable or output from Chromatic that we should be checking?
Are there any known issues with integrating Chromatic and Azure Pipelines?
Is there a recommended way to force pipeline failure when Chromatic detects changes?
Any help you can provide to help us get this working would be greatly appreciated.
We've integrated Chromatic for visual testing in our Azure pipeline, but it's not failing the build when UI changes are detected. The pipeline continues to pass even when there are visible changes in the components. We're not sure if this is a bug or configuration issue.
What We've Tried
flag to Chromatic commandexit 1
when changes are detectedCurrent Behavior
Expected Behavior
Steps to Reproduce
Code Snippets
Current Configuration
Additional Information:
Any help you can provide to help us get this working would be greatly appreciated.