chromaui / chromatic-e2e

Archive end-to-end tests to be replayed in Storybook and Chromatic
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Typescript support for `cy.takeSnapshot` is missing in index.d.ts #136

Closed cellog closed 4 months ago

cellog commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug No typescript support is added for the cy.takeSnapshot command

To Reproduce Try to use cy.takeSnapshot() in a typescript Cypress test

Expected behavior Typescript knows about the takeSnapshot command added

declare global {
  namespace Cypress {
    interface Chainable<Subject = any> {
      takeSnapshot(name?: string): Chainable<void>;

needs to be in the index.d.ts that is in dist/

skitterm commented 4 months ago

@cellog thanks for letting us know. We've gone ahead and added typings for cy.takeSnapshot(), upgrade @chromatic-com/cypress to version 0.6.8 or higher to take advantage of that!

snake-py commented 1 month ago

@skitterm I am unusre but we still have this issue on the 0.6.17, is there more to it then just installing it?

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