chromaui / storybook-addon-pseudo-states

CSS pseudo-classes for Storybook
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Pseudo states is interfering with CSS classes #101

Open philippechevieux opened 7 months ago

philippechevieux commented 7 months ago

Hello there,

I'm using the add-on to test pseudo states on Chromatic and it work like a charm. However i've noticed an issue with a compoment based on Ant Design.


addons :[

Selector rewritten by the add-on

&:not(.ant-collapse-item-active):not([data-item-selected='true']):not(:last-of-type):not(.pseudo-hover) {
   border-bottom: none;

Default selector

&:not(.ant-collapse-item-active):not([data-item-selected='true']):not(:last-of-type):not(:hover) {
   border-bottom: none;

The issue here is that :hover has been replaced by .pseudo-hover in the storybook build causing a wrong render of my component

philippechevieux commented 6 months ago

Anyone ?

AriPerkkio commented 6 months ago

I just ran into this myself. I have a skip link with :not(:focus) styles which breaks with this addon:

.skipLink {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;

    &:not(:focus) {
        @include mixins.visually-hidden;
// Generates to
.skipLink:not(:focus), .skipLink:not(.pseudo-focus) { ... }

The .skipLink:not(.pseudo-focus) part is always truthy which makes the link invisible even when it receives focus.

Is there any way to disable .pseudo-focus per-story? Or disable the whole addon per-story? I tried adding following without success:

import type {Meta} from '@storybook/react';

export default {
    parameters: {
        pseudo: {
            focus: false, // Or even ['.non-matching-selector']
} satisfies Meta;

Edit: Forcing the .pseudo-focus on the conflicting element seems to work:

import type {Meta} from '@storybook/react';

export default {
    parameters: {
        pseudo: {
            focus: ['[class*="skipLink"]'],
} satisfies Meta;